Michael Robert Humphreys
Updated September 14, 2003


I went to El Salvador for two with weeks through Global Health Organization (GHO) which is affiliated with Christian Medical and Dental Society (CMDS). Our group consisted of 24 people from accross the States and Canada. We had nurses (Katie, Maxine), a pharmacist (Darryl), medical doctors (Bob, Don, Donna, Ross), students (Treena, Kristy, Andrew, Rebecca, Nikki, Jenn, Samantha, Amy, Rachel, Sarah-Marie, Mike) and people from other proffessions with hearts for medical missions (Nancy, Jon, Jill, Pat, Damaris, Marcia).

Our time was split in two communities in the vicinity of San Salvador, the capital: Ilopanga the first week and Colonia Dolores the second week. 2,866 patients were seen for general medicine, obstetrics/gynocology, dental or opthalmology over the two weeks and a total of 3,457 prescriptions were filled.  The Oasis Churches in San Salvador provided us with translators and ran the logistics of the medical clinic setup as well as evangelizing through music, drama, testimonies, and Christian counselling. In two weeks, 366 patients came to accept Jesus as their Saviour. The people on our team were amazing and all of us will be forever affected by our time spent in El Salvador. The passion for Christ that our El Salvadorian brothers and sisters shared with us is hard to describe in words. I miss El Salvador already and eagerly anticipate an opportunity to return.

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Powerpoint Slide Show (download to desktop and open ppt from there) | Complete Stats (pdf) | El Salvador JPEGS