Michael Robert Humphreys
Updated September 14, 2003
Tribute to Rich Milner
Rich Milner spent much of his time in the mountains with God. On July 29 2003, Rich never returned from a day hike around the Prince Creek Trail on Vancouver Island. Rich was ready to be with his creator; in 1997 he wrote the following in his journal:

"God is just blowing me away these days. He's been so awesomely good and its hard for me to see how he could improve on what He's doing for me. I explode with thankfulness when I think about how good He's been to me. (Picture of exploding stick-man drawn here). KAPOW! If I'm in pieces next time you see me it's because I've blown apart with thanksgiving. And if you only find one part of me I hope it will be my thankful heart. (Picture of thankful heart drawn here). See ya later, Rich"

For me, like many others, Rich was a role model, a spiritual mentor, and true friend. I had spent the previous week with Lance and Rich white-water tubing, hiking, and talking about God and life. We love you Rich and one day we will see you again.


| Memorial Service Itinerary | Powerpoint Presentation (By Lance Radke - download to desktop) |

| Rich Going MissingRich's Children's Book |