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BLIA YAD Goes Bowling

          The parents, executives, members, and friends of BLIA youth group had a thrilling time at Classic Bowl in Mississauga on Saturday, March 23.

          Originally those who did not know how to play enjoyed themselves so much some defeated those who knew how to play, and those who mastered the arts of bowling got even better as the rounds went on. Sounds of pin smashing were mixed with laugher, encouragement, and congratulations. Smiles could be seen on everyone's faces as they bowled to the best of their limits. Laughter and happiness popped up when people were winning, when people were losing, when they were taking a break and eating snacks, and as they laughed or admired the talent of others.

          Even though it was disappointing we couldn't go and continue our fun at another alley that offers glow-in-the-dark bowling, everyone had a memorable day nonetheless.

          Afterwards most of us went back to the temple and watched the hit movie 'Shrek' alongside other members and friends. All laughed and felt saddened with their pals as the movie progressed.

          We have learned many lessons from this trip relating to Buddhism. Lessons we all learned were: any task in any magnitude can be accomplished with determination, cheering up others and praise them/treat others like you would like to be treated, and last, but not least, hard work (by the execs and Venerable) pays off at the end.

          Organized by Ven. Miao Yu and BLIA YAD executives, this trip was possible due to the commitment of parents and members who gladly drove the rest to the alley, but most importantly was the fun-filled day on Saturday, March 23 we will cherish for a lifetime.

Jeremy Chang


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