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Waterloo Multicultural Festival

        What a way to start off the summer this year than by helping out at a festival! After stressful exams, this event was the best to relax myself and have fun. And boy, was the weekend interesting!! Got to meet a lot of new people, promote BLIA YAD and make several hundred drinks. It was good to hear that people have heard of the Lotus Teahouse that had opened this year, and some have even been there and said it was great. Others were even interested in the classes that the temple offered.

        Working at the food booth was extremely fun. My job was to make and sell bubble tea and lemon iced tea with the help of other YAD members and adult volunteers. Many jokes and crazy ideas arose as everyone tried to come up with slogans and words to lure in customers, from "Try our BBT and iced tea! Very refreshing! Great for this hot hot weather!" to "BBT! Iced Tea! Yummy yummy in my tummy!" to "Man, you look hot! Cool off with our drinks" or even a change in drinks: "lemon coke", "lemon iced tea with tapioca!" at $5.

        Some customers were drawn by our slogans, well either that or they felt sorry for us since we were yelling since this morning. But it was still a success! In the two days, I got to check out the different booths that were there in my free time. I especially liked the Celtic and Carribean booths because they had the neatest things. The samosas that the Arabic booth sold… absolutely delicious! I'm definitely going back next year!

Jeannette Truong


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