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The FUN in Fundraising

          On Saturday, August 31, the BLIA YAD Toronto set out on an exciting and fun challenge — to fundraise! We had garage sale and carwash events on that joyful day; and raised a total of around $2,300 for our future usage. It was a blast! We were like ants working in an unbreakable bond washing those filthy cars. Not to mention about the truck-wash we had too! And the garage sale was a success too, although lots of our light weighted on-sale objects went flying by themselves, it still proved to be a fun-filled event.

          The whole day was quite exciting, car after car drove by; and we converted them into the most exquisite-looking cars ever. It sure gave us enough memories of those squeegees, sponges and rags wiping against the car. It's certainly something that can't easily be forgotten, especially the part when we were wiping that truck! It was humongous, but with YAD spirit, we cleaned from top to sides to the wheels, and it was entertaining while it lasted. It's like a performance; we even had an audience watching us wash that big truck! Indeed, the carwash was a very fun and successful event.

          Another great memory at the carwash was the dog, Tiger, with its cheerful high-pitched barks. The dog was like our backbone supporter, yelling out "Go! Go! Go!" in the back while we worked away. YAD members often took it for a walk around the temple; at times when people got lonely, the dog was there to cheer us up! Jamie's mom was really nice to leave the dog with us that day, and we were very grateful to have such a wonderful boost in spirit for the carwash team!

          As for the garage sale in the front of the temple on that day, it was hot! Also, lots of objects just got blown away; but the fun part was catching those loose articles. Literally, we chased after them, and often they got blown further away as we chased after them! Another funny thing at the garage sale was that the cashbox itself looked like it was on sale too. The most incredible thing was that items without price tags on them were still sold; truly amazing, it was a great experience for us to learn reasonable prices on different types of objects too!

          Overall, this event was fun-filled all the way to the very end. We also deeply thank all the volunteers and helpers on that very day; we really couldn't have done it without you! And last but not least, we hope our next fundraising event will be as joyful and successful as this one! Amitofo!

Mike Hung


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© 2007 BLIA YAD Toronto—A sub-chapter of BLIA of Toronto
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