Naomi Nagy

Linguistics at U of T

LIN 1256: Advanced Language Variation & Change
Contact, Context and Corpora

Course Description * Reading * Schedule


Assessment is based on participation in class discussion, in-class presentations, weekly assignments, and a research paper. The paper will be built incrementally, with drafts of some sections due earlier in the term (as homework assignments). Group work is anticipated.

Participation: Contribute productively and thoughtfully to class discussion every day, bringing in your knowledge from assigned readings and other resources in your background. Assessment in this category is global and qualitative.


Presentation 1: Each student will present 1 (or 2, depending on enrollment) papers listed in the syllabus, or other papers the class deems relevant. Presentation should elicit discussion. Presenters will be the class's "go-to" person for that topic throughout the course. See presentation guidelines.


Presentation 2: Each student will present 1 corpus to the class. Presentation should teach the class how to use that corpus for a particular task. I anticipate group work for these presentations. See corpus presentation guidelines.


Research project: Topics will be discussed and developed both in and out of class. Group projects are strongly encouraged, as a means of building important skills for working in the field of sociolinguistics, and to enable more data to be analyzed.


Homework assignments: These assignments are the building blocks of the project.  For details, follow links in the syllabus and in Bb. Choose 8 of the 9 assignments. You must submit each of these on time. Submit via Bb before class starts or in hard copy at the start of class. Unexcused late work will not be accepted.

Formative feedback will be given. The grade for this component will be primarily based on on-time submission, and secondarily on the quality of the work.


Research paper: The paper will be built incrementally and an outline of necessary components will be developed in class. No length maximum or minimum is stipulated. All students will present their ongoing work to the class on Nov. 29 and submit a final paper by noon on Monday, Dec. 10.



Updated September 12, 2012


Please consider printing double-sided, using 1.5 spacing and omitting title pages on your own work, and reading onscreen when possible.

email: naomi dot nagy at utoronto dot ca | Return to my home page