Naomi Nagy

Linguistics at U of T

A Small Study of Sociolinguistic Variation

In this assignment, working individually or in groups of up to 3, you will study the use of a sociolinguistic variable. You may collect data by means of participant observation (i.e. by noting relevant examples of the feature you are studying whenever they are used in your (virtual) presence) or use existing data as specified below. You may NOT conduct an experiment. That is, you may not interview people, ask people to read a passage or answer specific questions. You may choose any one of the suggested topics to work on, or suggest a variable of your own in consultation with the professor. You may use any relevant observations that you collected in HW_A3 as a starting point.

Step 1: Develop a testable hypothesis about a sociolinguistic variable. Choose a variable that you will easily be able to observe via one of the three Data Collection options listed next. (Remind yourself about sociolinguistic variables at this link, from Week 2 lecture notes, or in Bell Chapter 7).

As soon as you have a group (optional), a project idea, and a work schedule, fill in your plan in Quercus. That is due by Nov. 14.

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
Collect your own data Analyze the Prime Minister's speech Analyze data from the Heritage Language Corpus

Step 2. Data Collection

Option 1: Collect your own data (in any language you can work with)

Over a period of a week, each group member should collect a minimum of 25 tokens (occurrences) of the dependent variable. A good practice is to keep a notepad with you at all times, so that whenever you hear somebody using the variable, you can write down which variant they used, as well as other relevant information about the situation (this might inform your independent variable(s)). Depending on your hypothesis, that other information might be:

              gender of the speaker:

-       try to obtain roughly equal numbers of tokens from males and females (and any other gender categories you note)

              gender of addressee/hearer (including yourself)

              age of speaker and/or addressee/hearer

              familiarity of speaker and addressee/hearer

-       distinguish ‘familiar’ interactions (friends and family members) from ‘less familiar’ interactions (acquaintances or those in a formal relationship, such as student/teacher or employee/employer)

-       try to obtain roughly equal numbers of tokens from familiar/intimate and unfamiliar/distant interactions

-       make note of other features of the context that would make the interaction more or less formal, such as the topic of conversation and the setting. (Note that you cannot define the level of familiarity by what people say, that would be circular.)

              channel of communication:

-       make note of whether each token occurred over the telephone or internet vs. face-to-face, through speech vs. writing, through participant observation vs. questionnaire, etc.

Option 2: Check out Canada's Prime Minister

Although Prime Minister Justin Trudeau got a lot of media attention in his first years in office, sociolinguists have yet to publish any analysis of his speech, as far as I know. Many questions come to mind:

  • How does his speech differ before vs. since becoming Prime Minister?
  • How does his speech change depending on who he is talking to?
  • How does his speech change depending on the (formality of) the situation?
  • How does his speech differ before vs. during/since the COVID-19 pandemic?

To answer one of these questions (or a similar one that the professor has approved), you need to find recorded and/or transcribed speech. This choice depends on what kind of variation you want to examine. You will need at least 3 minutes of speech to examine. Many samples exist online.

Option 3: Use existing Heritage Language data

If you/your group is able to work with spoken recordings of one of the languages in the (Heritage Language Variation and Change project), select a minimum of three speakers that have been recorded and transcribed. Find at least 25 tokens (occurrences) of the dependent variable in each recording. A good practice is to create additional tiers in the ELAN .eaf file and mark and code the tokens there. In one tier, note which variant they used. In additional daughter tiers, note the other relevant information about the situation (see list in Option 1), the independent variable(s)). The tokens and tiers can then be exported to a spreadsheet for easy analysis.

Step 3. Data analysis (for Option 1, 2 or 3)

Summarize your results in the form of tables, showing what proportion of tokens of each variant you encountered (e.g., formal vs. informal greetings, -ing vs. -in’) were uttered by males as opposed to females, addressed to people with whom the speaker was familiar vs. unfamiliar, were spoken over the telephone vs. face-to-face, etc. Consider carefully how your different variants might best be grouped together. (e.g., Are some of the greetings more formal and others more familiar? Are some taboo words extremely taboo and others only mildly so?) If you identify groupings like this in the data, use them in your tables. Wherever possible, express your results as percentages, calculating proportions within each category. For example, what proportion of familiar greetings were used by men vs. by women?

Step 4. Research Report (Paper or Abstract)

Write a short sociolinguistics research paper (4-5 pages) or a 1-page abstract describing your study (your choice). The paper or abstract should include an informative title and the following short sections in order. Refer to course resources and papers [some tips] about what should appear in each section, and appropriate style.

If you choose to write a Paper, read on here. If you choose to write an Abstract, click here, then come back.

i) Introduction

State the variable, what the variants were and why this was interesting or what general issues it related to (i.e., your goals and hypotheses).

ii) Methodology

Describe how you collected, coded and analyzed the data.

iii) Results

Organize your research findings into tables broken down by social categories (gender, familiarity, etc.).

iv) Discussion

Discuss your results and their implications. Think about questions that have been addressed in the class. Make explicit reference to at least two of the assigned articles, as well as relevant concepts from the textbook. Address questions such as the following: Do men and women show different preferences for the various greetings or leavetakings, or pronunciations of -ing? Do men use more strong taboo words than women? Do women use more information-seeking tags than men do? Do speakers use different greetings or leavetakings over the telephone than in person? Do people code-switch more often with people they know well as opposed to those they have limited acquaintance with? Does pronunciation of -ing vary with the formality or familiarity of the situation?

v) Conclusion

Try to draw general conclusions about your results. Why did the results come out the way they did? Why do (or don’t) women and men differ in the use of these features? Why do speakers use different forms in different interactions? Where possible, try to identify future areas for possible research.

vi) Bibliography

List all published references, including websites, that you consulted. Cite them appropriately within your paper. There are resources in the Quercus portal for help on citation and reference practices.

See this link for a more detailed view of the typical contents of a sociolinguistics research paper.

Step 5. Peer reviews and response to peer reviews

Each student will read and give feedback on 2 paper (or abstract) drafts written by other class members. Each group will then respond to the feedback on their draft as they prepare the final version.

For this response, select 2-3 comments made by peer reviewers on your draft and address them appropriately in your final draft. Highlight or annotate (e.g., by inserting a comment) to explain the changes you’ve made in your final draft.

Also, reflecting on the reviewing and editing process, answer one of the following prompts (2-3 sentences):

  1. What was the most challenging aspect of reviewing your peers’ papers?
  2. If you had to give feedback again, what would you change about how you give feedback? If nothing, explain what you think is the most important part of giving effective feedback.
  3. What was the most challenging aspect of editing your paper based on reviewer feedback?


Evaluation of the assignment, whether you choose the paper or abstract, will be based on the following considerations:


-       Use the structure of a sociolinguistics research paper or abstract. (Papers you read for the course are good models.)

-       Pay attention to organization; clarity; spelling and presentation. (Use a spell-checker!)


-       Have you presented a clear and testable hypothesis?

-       How well have you defined the variable context (i.e., where does the speaker have a choice between variants?)?

-       How well have you discussed your methods of data collection?

-       How well have you discussed the details of your quantitative analysis (your social factors, your calculations)?

-       How well have you made use of tables and graphs?

-       How well have you synthesized and interpreted your results?

-       How well have you connected your findings to the wider linguistic literature, specifically and the course materials (textbook, readings, lectures)?

Reflections on revising:

Indicate how you responded to (some of) the peer review feedback you received. Also provide feedback on the peer review process.

Please also consult the rubric, for further guidelines.

If you work in a group, you will submit one co-authored paper (because you will submit as a Quercus Group).
All co-authors will receive the same grade for this paper. Be sure to consider each others’ schedules, research interests and work ethic as you create your group.

Be sure that the title and all authors' names are listed at the top of page 1. You do not need to create a separate title page.

Suggested Topics

Greetings and/or Leavetakings

When people encounter one another after a period of not being in each other's presence, they normally use some kind of greeting (e.g. hi, hello, good morning); similarly, when people terminate an encounter and expect not to be in each other's presence for some time, they ordinarily mark this with a leavetaking (e.g. goodbye, see you). Greetings and leavetakings mark different social relationships between speaker and hearer. Make note of all greetings and/or leavetakings addressed to you or to others in your presence and try to characterize the social significance of each (i.e. which ones are more or less formal, express solidarity or familiarity, etc.). You may want to divide your greetings/leavetakings into two variants: ‘formal’ and ‘informal’. Try to characterize any preferences that different speakers or groups of speakers tend to have (e.g. Do men use informal greetings more than women?) and whether usage is affected by the channel of communication (telephone vs. face-to-face).

Taboo Words

Taboo words (commonly referred to as "swear words", "curse words" or "dirty words") are subject to strong social conventions about their usage. Note all instances of such words that are used in your presence. You may want to divide the different taboo words into two variants: ‘mild’ and ‘strong’.  Try to characterize whether men and women use taboo words differently and whether people are more or less likely to use them in the presence of people they know well as opposed to those they are less familiar with, or in the presence of women as opposed to men.

Tag Questions

Robin Lakoff (1975) has suggested that women use tag questions more than men because tags signify a desire for confirmation or approval and therefore relative powerlessness or lack of self-confidence (e.g. It’s a nice day, isn’t it? is supposedly less assertive than It's a nice day.). Collect observations of male and female speakers using tag questions. You may want to divide the tag questions into two variants: ‘polite/deferential’ and ‘seeking confirmation’. Note especially when the tags are used differently from the way you would use them. In your analysis, discuss whether your data confirm Lakoff’s hypothesis or not; i.e. do men and women use these forms with different frequency or different significance?


The -ing suffix in English (e.g. building, running, opening) is sometimes pronounced as 'ing' and sometimes as 'in' (known as "dropping the 'g'"). Since the social evaluation of each pronunciation is different, speakers often vary their usage according to formality, and speakers of different social backgrounds may show different overall rates of usage. Data collection for this feature requires close attention to phonetic detail: practice listening to the pronunciation of -ing words in conversation before you begin collecting data. (When you begin writing down your observations, they will probably occur so frequently that you will be able to collect enough data to work with in a day!) Therefore, try to observe people from a range of social backgrounds.

In addition to social variation, this variable is also subject to an interesting linguistic constraint. To examine this, you should classify each example you observe as to whether it was used as a noun (e.g. the building across the street, running is fun) or a verb (e.g. we're building a house, he's running to work).

Your analysis should address the following questions: Is there a sex difference in the usage of the two pronunciations? Do speakers shift towards increased use of one of the pronunciations in more formal situations (e.g. lectures) as opposed to informal ones (e.g. casual conversation)? Is there any such shifting depending on the sex of the addressee or the channel of communication?

In the Heritage Language (HLVC) Corpus

You could examine things like:

  • Code (r), the variation between the trill /R/ and the approximant /ɹ/ in FAE, ITA, RUS, UKR, PRT, HUN or TAG
  • Intensifier strategies, as in ITA -issimo, or CAN hou2 and taai3 or hedges or boosters (see HW_A1)
  • If you speak one of these languages, you probably have more exciting ideas. Come talk to me about investigating one!

 Return to syllabus || Updated 16 December 2022

email: naomi dot nagy at utoronto dot ca | Return to my home page