Website - Personal (2001/2/3/4)
With the advent of technology, it was decided that there existed a need to have an online portfolio of my design work. As the idea grew, the idea grew to include a personal website where I could also post personal articles.

Thus, is a website which showcases a personal arsenal of designs and thoughts. The question was how to design it so that the navigation around the website could be done as easily as possible. There was also the concern to making future updates easy and simple.

Unfolding the problem, the solution was quite simple. To follow the most direct and straight forward path. A simple navigation bar was created towards the top of the page, using mouse over buttons to make viewing easier. Sub-links were used to further sub-categorize different sections of the website.

Basic and coherent colours were used to create a consistent design. This eased the updating process as the same layout could be reused with simple adjustments. Certain sections also demonstrate my reaction to the surrounding. The links page, in particular, is created with the world context in mind, using a mixed involvement of city names to represent the idea of navigation.