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Captain's blog: 2004/10

Jean Lumb 2004 Dinner

Posted Sunday, October 24, 2004 at 10/24/2004 01:13:00 AM

Our alumni table, centre and right in front of the stageJust got back from the Jean Lumb 2004 Awards Dinner, made possible by the Foundation, the Multicultural History Society of Ontario (which now has a new audio exhibit on Jean Lumb and her life achievements) and a host of community sponsors. There were children’s choir performances, government officials, a multi-course dinner, tons of blinding camera flashes, awards presentations, a documentary film and raffle tickets. But best of all, this year, all of the alumni at this dinner (that’s us) were seated at the same table! (Finally!)

Ben Chin, TV anchor, was the MC. We got to take photos afterwards. Too bad we forgot to get an autograph!

Also spent a lot longer figuring out my neck tie than I wanted but fortunately, I saved that excellent web page from last year when I also needed to get dressed for the Jean Lumb Award Dinner, so that came in handy and I was able to fix the tie and come to this event!

Overall a great night.

Photo of our table thanks to an anonymous, nice raffle lady.

Additional photos in our Yahoo Group (private) for now, public photos possibly later :)


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