CIV101 (Structures Materials & Design)
For some reason, I had a
name for this course that no one else used, though in my opinion it was
far better suited to it. I called this course Statics, while everyone else
called it either Civil, or Structures, Materials and Design. If you want
to do well in this course, use the generic formula for doing well - study
and do examples. There isn't much more to it than that! Anyway, we had
only one midterm and I didn't get to keep a copy of the exam because we ... or maybe I
just conveniently lost it... I'll shut up now. Here's the midterm.
APS103 (Engineering Society & Environment
Engineering Society and the Environment. This had
to be one of my favourite courses. I could just sit and relax and listen
to a usually very interesting lecture from Professor Khan. I really
enjoyed this course. It was very relaxing and at the same time very "eye
opening". I'll have to find a better word to put there, but hopefully you
get what I mean.
The quizzes for this course come straight out of
the course notes so I won't bother posting them here, however, I do have
some exam review notes that will be very helpful.
APS103 - Course Notes
& Final Exam (Dec 2002)
CHE112 (Physical Chemistry)
While I was taking this course - especially at the
beginning - I really hated it. The professor was, how you say, a bit
boring, and the quizzes were damn near impossible. I never really was good
at beating around the bush. In any case, I'm sure you, my dear reader,
will appreciate my frankness.
I would have much rather taken Materials. They
covered some material that I found very interesting in high school which
would have been just as interesting to cover in university. In retrospect
however, I am glad that I took chemistry. The professor turned out to be a
"nice guy", and the labs that we did were far more interesting and
involved a lot more first hand experience than either the bio or the
materials labs.
We had MANY quizzes during the year. Many of which
I burned as soon as I walked out of the door. But the quizzes were all
fairly straightforward. The key to doing well in this course, or more
specifically, the quizzes, is to READ THE
enough. The professor teaches the material that is going to be on the
quiz, the day of the quiz. So, you have to learn the material by at least
the day before you go to class, because honestly, have
you ever managed to study during your spare, with all your friends talking
about, well, nothing?
With that said, don't worry too much about the
quizzes. The labs are easy marks compared to the quizzes, nevertheless you
have to work hard. One lab in particular, the Chromium Lab is quite
difficult, as you have to design your own method to perform the
experiment, which can take as much as a week to do if you don't know what
you're doing. I will post the lab that our class had to do. The labs for
other classes will undoubtedly be slightly different, however the
underlying principle of any other equivalent lab will be the same.
Finally, I do have a copy of the exam which turned out to be doable,
despite my weakness in this course. You will be given a practice exam
though, and this one that I have posted might simply be redundant.
Many of you will find this course to be pretty
easy. I didn't. It is perhaps however, due to my constant vigilance that I
passed. I wish you lots of luck and patience if you are indeed taking this
Chapter Solutions
| Quizzes
- 2002
| Final
Exams - Past Papers & Dec 2002
MAT186 (Calculus I)
Interesting course all together. Don't panic, it's
an enjoyable course, although some people hate it with a passion. I have
posted up the quizzes as well as past years papers too.
Midterm Tests
Final Exam - Past
Papers & 2002
MAT188 (Linear Algebra)
Algebra was perhaps one of my favorite classes,
which is odd, because most of my friends hated it. I think the only reason
why I liked it though was because I was genuinely good at it. The quizzes
were pretty straight forward. God bless university.
Midterm Tests
Final Exam - Past
Papers & 2002