Sali A. Tagliamonte

University of Toronto

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Goldvarb Z: A multivariate analysis application for Macintosh
David Sankoff, Sali A. Tagliamonte, and Eric Smith (2018)

Goldvarb Yosemite: A multivariate analysis application for Macintosh
David Sankoff, Sali A. Tagliamonte, and Eric Smith (2015)

Goldvarb Lion: A multivariate analysis application for Macintosh
David Sankoff, Sali A. Tagliamonte, and Eric Smith (2012)

Goldvarb X: A variable rule application for Macintosh and Windows
David Sankoff, Sali A. Tagliamonte, and Eric Smith (2005)

A joint effort of:

Department of Linguistics, University of Toronto
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Ottawa

Download current versions

Goldvarb Z for Mac [dmg]
(Now a 64-bit application, compatible with OS Catalina 10.15, which no longer supports 32-bit applications.)

Goldvarb Yosemite for Mac [dmg]
(Updated to be compatible with OS Yosemite 10.10.)

Goldvarb Lion for Mac [dmg]
(Works in OS Lion 10.7 and is backwards compatible to at least 10.5.)

Goldvarb X for Windows [zip]


Goldvarb Z/Yosemite/Lion and Goldvarb X are versions of the key methodological tool of variationist sociolinguistics — the variable rule program. This update of the program has been rewritten in C++ and runs in OS X Lion (10.7). It is now compatible with both Macintosh and Windows and operates similarly in both. In addition, it has been revised to include a number of useful new user-interface features. You can now:

• Perform cross-reference searches to easily find what you're looking for.
• Search for things outside of the coding string.
• Compute marginal results to one decimal place.
• Adjust the font size, if desired.

Since Goldvarb Z/Yosemite/Lion is essentially the same as Goldvarb 2.0, there is as of yet no separate user manual; manuals for older versions of the program are available for Macintosh and Windows. Please note that they are not intended as technical introductions to the statistical workings of the program, nor as a guide to the use of multivariate analysis. For this, see references to variable rules in the literature, including those listed below.

The previous release, Goldvarb X, is also still available for download for Macintosh [dmg]. (It works with OSX 10.3.9 to OS 10.6.X. However, note that because this version uses PowerPC code, it runs noticeably more slowly on machines with Intel processors.)


Sankoff, David, and Pascale Rousseau (1979). Categorical contexts and variable rules. In S. Jacobson (ed.), Stockholm Papers from the Scandinavian Symposium on Syntactic Variation, Stockholm May 18-19, 1979. Almqvist and Wiksell. 7-22.

Sankoff, David (1985). Statistics in linguistics. New York encyclopedia of the statistical sciences 5. Wiley. 74-81.

Sankoff, David (1988). Variable rules. In U. Ammon, N. Dittmar, and K. J. Mathheier (eds.), Berlin Sociolinguistics: An International Handbook of the Science of Language and Society, Vol. 2. Walter de Gruyter. 984-997.

Paolillo, John C. (2001). Analyzing linguistic variation: Statistical models and methods. Stanford, CA: CSLI.

Sankoff, David, Sali A. Tagliamonte, and Eric Smith (2018). Goldvarb Z: A variable rule application for Macintosh. Department of Linguistics, University of Toronto.

Sankoff, David, Sali A. Tagliamonte, and Eric Smith (2015). Goldvarb Yosemite: A variable rule application for Macintosh. Department of Linguistics, University of Toronto.

Sankoff, David, Sali A. Tagliamonte, and Eric Smith (2012). Goldvarb Lion: A variable rule application for Macintosh. Department of Linguistics, University of Toronto.

Sankoff, David, Sali A. Tagliamonte, and Eric Smith (2005). Goldvarb X: A variable rule application for Macintosh and Windows. Department of Linguistics, University of Toronto.

Tagliamonte, Sali A. (2006). Analysing sociolinguistic variation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Last updated: April 9, 2021

© 2014-21 Sali A. Tagliamonte