The Sociolinguistics/Language Variation and Change Lab is located in the ground floor of Sidney Smith Hall, in room 559C. It houses the Toronto English Corpus, the Directions of Change corpus, the Ontario Dialects Project Corpus, the York English Corpus, the Roots Corpus, and the KIDS Corpus in both analog and digital formats.
Since 2002, a large body of research has been produced by both graduate and undergraduate students.
• Canadian English 2002 to present (ongoing)
• The Language in Later Life Project (2018-2022)
• The Ontario Dialects Project (2010-present, ongoing)
• Directions of Change in Canadian English (2007-2010)
• The Toronto English Project (2003-2006)
Bridget Jankowski (post-doctoral research assistant, data manager) Jeremy Needle (post-doctoral research assistant, March 2020-September 2021) Katharina Pabst (graduate research assistant) Lisa Schlegl (graduate research assistant) Kyria Sztainbok Olivia McManus Carina Qiao Kelly Fan Roxanne Locke
Lab meetings in the time of COVID-19 (April 2021)
Sali, Lisa, Jeremy, Bridget and Katharina meeting on Teams
The Lab Board (early 2020)
Constantly evolving, always informative.
Goodbye party for Karlien (Feb. 2020)
It's been a fantastic year having you with us! All the best for your next adventure. You know where we are... (From L to R: Dan, Bridget, Sam, Katharina, Karlien, Lauren, Sali, Kaliegh, Lisa)
Boomerang! (October 2019)
Official lab drink
Derek, guest speaker Stefan Grondelaers, and Duncan show off several B-52s. (Kahlúa, Bailey's, and Grand Marnier, one on top of the other, set on fire.)
Our resident data-wrangler
Bridget, our wonderful lab manager, brings in some materials from the Linguistic Survey of the Ottawa Valley.
That time we burned a book
We used a draft of Variationist Sociolinguistics: Change, Observation, Interpretation in my graduate seminar in the spring
of 2011. At the end of the semester, we celebrated by burning it.