Jen - Chairperson Andrea - VP Internal & Services Paul - VP External Ausma - VP Equity Vlad - VP UTM  
How To Vote
Contact Andrea Armborst: email

Increase funding for your Students' Union Book Bursaries
Ensure more metropasses are ordered each month
Draft a balanced budget for our Students' Union
Increase accountability and transparency

Hart House

Student Representative on the Finance Committee (2005-06)
Students provide millions of dollars per year to Hart House in the form of an annual levy and most don't know where the money goes. This is why Andrea was fighting on your behalf on the Finance Committee - advocating against the unpopular decision to close the Arbor Room and in favour of more efficient spending in other areas. 

Students' Administrative Council
Deputy Vice-President University Affairs (2005-06)
Woodsworth College Representative (2005-06)
Andrea managed a tight ship as the University Affairs Commission secretary. She assured that meeting agendas were set and that commission decisions were communicated to the members.   Always trying to keep the Students' Union connected to its members, Andrea helped oversee the allocation of over $10,000 in needs-based Book Bursaries to students. Andrea also diligently attended meetings of the SAC Board of Directors, representing her Woodsworth College constituents in important decisions like selecting a not-for-profit health plan provider to service U of T students. Now, she is ready to represent the whole University of Toronto community.  

Woodsworth College Students' Association
Andrea has always kept close ties with her college's student association. managed a tight ship as the University Affairs Commission secretary. Her hard working character gained her the respect of the Woodsworth community.

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