Jen - Chairperson Andrea - VP Internal & Services Ausma - VP Equity Vlad - VP UTM  
How To Vote
Contact Vlad Glebov: email
Lobby for a tuition fee freeze or reduction
Make sure all UTM dollars go back to UTM
Create additional staff and workstudy positions at SAC UTM
Lobby to increase the variety of food available on campus, and extend hours of food service
Increase club funding and shorten the wait times for clubs to get their cheques


Students' Administrative Council

• UTM Representative - SAC Board of Directors
• Associate VP UTM
• SAC UTM Minister of Education and Outreach
• Helped organize Frosh Week Carnival, Plebiscite on Tuition Fees (with a record voter turnout!), book exchange, and Federal Election Debate at UTM


UTM Russian Speaking Community

• President


UTM Quality Services to Students

• Student Representative


Erindale College Council

• President


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