Jen - Chairperson Andrea - VP Internal & Services Ausma - VP Equity Vlad - VP UTM  
How To Vote
Contact Paul Bretscher: email
Work to Keep the Tuition Fee Freeze and Increase Public Funding
Lobby for a Better Student Discount on Public Transit
Continue to make your students' union work hard on international student issues
24 Hour Access to ROSI with Course Waiting Lists
Be YOUR advocate to municipal, provincial and federal governments


Students' Administrative Council

President (2005-06)
UC Representative (2004-05)

As your President this year, I have been a tireless advocate for students, delivering on all of my campaign promises. I ran a deficit-free SAC Orientation, I increased clubs funding, and I convinced the administration to improve ROSI. My work on SAC has always been to make life easier for students - when I was on the board of directors I helped SAC switch to a non-profit Health Insurance plan, saving students over $200,000 a year.

Arts and Science Students’ Union
President (2004-05)
As President of ASSU, Paul has worked tirelessly to support students. He lobbied to keep Robarts Library study space open 24 hours a day. He also helped organize the cultural festival “Unity Through Diversity,” and is currently assisting UTM students begin course unions for their academic programs. 

Used Book Exchange
As Deputy Vice-President University Affairs of SAC in 2003-04, Paul began the Used Book Exchange to try to save students money on expensive textbooks. Students had a venue to buy and sell their used textbooks without being ripped off by steep commission charges. From it's humble beginnings in the Hart House East Common Room, Paul was able to bring the Book Exchange to a semi-permanent home in New College. This year, students who used the book exchange were able to put $40,000 back in their pockets.

Faculty of Arts and Science Council
Member (2004-05)
University Academic policy affects students’ day-to-day experiences at U of T.  Paul spent this year as making sure that your interests where upheld when the Faculty made important decisions. As a student representative he worked with the Faculty to make important decisions relating to curriculum, and the policies and procedures of the entire Faculty of Arts and Science.

University College Council
Member (2003-05)

The University College Council - the governing body of University College - was yet another body where Paul's voice was respected as he worked to represent students.

University College Residence Council
Vice President (2002-03)

Paul lived in residence for two years and understands the needs and concerns of residence students.  Involved in planning social events, Paul demonstrated his commitment to improving the student experience.


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