Saturday, August 12, 2006

A pleasant day

Today I got up early, intended to do some work on simulation, which is some unfinished work from my last summer's research. However, the progress is haltd by some factors so I need to delay it for a few days until I download a new tool. And after a busy week, it is not a bad idea to take a few hrs off .

SO, I open QQ, an IM I haven't used for a long while and, as I expected, I came across quite a few of my high school friends online. I had a very pleasant chat with them. In brief, most of them are doing very well and I also feel proud, as I was part of this group of people --- they have all got their Bachelor's Degree now and some will go forward for higher ones, either in domestic or oversea ones. Some others have landed decent jobs and begun their careers. I wish them all the best here for their future endeavors.

Most of my high school classmates asked me when would I came back, so far my best estimate is the summer I graduated. I hope I can achieve that. When you achieve something, you also, inevitably, lose some other things. And, I feel, the concept of Opportunity Cost is not sufficient for some situations.

In the afternoon, I went to my company to check some the test result I ran last night, and stayed there for a while to read some tech documents. As some deadline is coming closer, some of my colleagues went to work too.

After that, I went to swim, but the pool at Hart House is closed today... so I had my dinner at Hart House directly. Then I went to Taste of Danforth with Cathy. There are many people there, but frankly, far fewer kinds of food than Chinese food. We tasted some souvlaki and ice cream there, and then went home with joy....

Haven't written a diary for a very long while, this may not be a beginning, but I don't think it is an end either.


Littlemoon said...

we need a festival for chinese food..

11:15 PM, August 12, 2006  
potato said...

wish you to come back

2:15 AM, August 14, 2006  

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