Friday, February 16, 2007

Weekly Update

A few updates......again, I am busy recently.........and will be busy for a while........ sometimes I think I am too busy. For example, Song talked about an interesting algorithm problem on his blog and I thought it is intriguing too. However, I am too busy to do more investigation on that... It is a shame... I think maybe I am pushing myself too much sometimes... I will try to improve that when I am not busy.

So, what keep me busy then?
  1. Work at the company. At least 1/3 of my day is spent there...
  2. Course work. Real analysis is not that easy now... Prof. Pugh emphasize a lot on geometric understanding of concepts, which is quite powerful, but it also takes a lot effort to visualize things. And the midterm is coming soon!
  3. Prepare for GRE. I registered it a few days ago and the test day is May 12. I hope I can finish this crap before I dive into my summer research.
  4. A lot misc. stuff --- forex trading, tax return, do a body check (I haven't done so for a few years ........), get a new pair of glasses.. etc. etc. etc
Meanwhile, I also need to start preparing for Grad School Application. It is a lengthy process...
Cathy is ahead of me on this. She will attend quite a few interviews for dental school in the near future. I wish her all the success in her interviews --- so I can get my free dental care in the future ;)

Life is an opportunity to do something.



Littlemoon said...

hahahhaa.. free dental care... you can be my first patient during dental school... we need to recruit people, and practice...

10:17 PM, February 16, 2007  

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