Saturday, September 30, 2006

Blog Management

Some recent updates of my blog:
  • Use of new skin ( a few weeks ago :P) -- it make more space and I can customize the template better. It is best viewed under 1280x1024 resolution. Please let me know if you have problem on 1024x768 or resolutions below.
  • Add License to the articles on this blog -- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License. so if you want to refer my blog links, feel free to do it, as long as you retain the original author information and does not put it to commerical use.
  • Re-arrnage the Google Adsense Ads for Conent and Product Referral Links --- They do produce incomes for me, though at a modest rate. I would recommend you try it out too --- it doesn't hurt to earn a few bucks by doing almost nothing. You can click the ad on the top-right corner of this page to apply for an Adsense account --- it is almost as easy as applying for a Email account.

Life is an opportunity to do something.


Littlemoon said...

but the updates took effect quite a while ago.. almost used to the new look already le.. when i first saw the title.. i thought there was more updates.. hehehehe

12:18 AM, October 01, 2006  
Littlemoon said...

that was pretty fast changes..

12:29 AM, October 01, 2006  

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