Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Honour Dinner

It is my second time to attend the honour students' dinner and I hope it won't be the last time. I had a good chat with Mark Liang, Yuhui Luo and David Han, as we sat on the same table. Prof. Jacobson and Stan were sitting at the same table too, but unfortunately, we don't have much to talk about in common --- I am not very interested in Middleware and Prof. Jacobson thought the conversation between we students was too theorectical :P

It is also great to meet a lot of other old friends or "old" profs -- Shan, Mark, Peng, James, Fan, Wallace, Prof. Kwong, Prof. Ben Liang, Prof. Sarris, etc. It is a pity that I didn't get much time to chat with them.

And I get the Sedra medal this year, so it is better than last year. But I won't be satisfied with that...Gotta to work harder.

p.s. I have promised that I will write something regarding the non-engineering careers of engineering students. I will try to post it by the end of this weekend.
Life is an opportunity to do something.


maver said...

congrats :-)

10:29 AM, September 27, 2006  
东方复冉 said...

Congratulations! My roommate also took part in this dinner.

1:07 AM, October 05, 2006  

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