Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Finally, done Real Analysis final!

The most stressful semester, and the most stressful exam in my college life, is history now.

However, there was not much relief for me when the final was done. It was a little bit unbelievable for me... "Am I done? That's all?" That was probably my feeling at that time.

I did a lot to prepare for this exam --- I asked for a week's off from work, and study day and night for it. Real Analysis is a beautiful, profound and intriguing subject, which makes the process less painful, but there are also pressure and frustration acting in an opposite way. Sometimes I get reminded about the days I prepared for the Chinese National Matriculation Examinations --- I can feel that pressure level was similar... You can say either I have great pressure recently, or I didn't have much pressure when I entered that critical exam a few years ago.

I originanly planned to take GRE at May 12, but now there is no way for me to make it on time --- I am far from ready, while not many days are left. So I will postpone it a bit. I need a break --- I will still be busy, but I need some time to think, to reflect, under the state of less pressure.

My work term will end soon at May 7. Before that I need to work hard to get my undone tasks done. After that, I will head for the summer research I have been looking forward to.

Life is an opportunity to do something.



Cathy said...

"I need some time to think, to reflect, under the state of less pressure."

of course you do, you definitely need a break, and relax a bit. You don't want to be under so much pressure all the time. Give yourself a little time. Everything will work out =)

2:41 AM, April 29, 2007  

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