Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia Tech Campus Shooting

32 ppl was shot, that was shocking. The gunman was so cold-blooded and well prepared for the thing... I can imagine if I were in one of the classroom, how terrible it could be.

U.S. definitely need to control their guns tighter. It is ridiculous to see some people are still using the argument that "you should not ban knives just because it can be used to kill people" on gun. Think about it, this kind of incidents happen only in the U.S, and that's not just coincidence! In China, we have some lonely and aberrant student that kill people too, such as Ma Jiajue, but he used a hammer and killed 4 people --- that was still a lot, but it is much less than 32!! Do you dare to imagine that Mr. Ma had a gun??

Anyway, may all the victims rest in peace!
Life is an opportunity to do something.



1983.song.wei said...

A bloody piece of work brought to us by this Korean guy, featuring the theme: "Love hurts"

4:26 AM, April 18, 2007  
Qiao said...

I have to disagree. I understand where the gun-control debate came from. But campus shooting happened in Germany and France, where the most stringent gun lawe are enforced. Honestly I do not think this should lead to any political debate. I do think schools around the world should tighten security and prepare the students better for this kind of situation. Let's face it, no matter how great of a system you have, there is bound to be some guys that just get screwed up in the head and decide to commite a mass murder. And for thos people, gun-control laws are non-existent anyways. There is no way a country can control a black market for guns or the corruptiblity of its police force.
I think just like universities and high schools have fire drills, we should start having "gunman drills" and mentally prepare the students better so they will react better in such sudden situations. (for example, I bet one of the girls in the four classrooms have pepper spray or some kind of maze, and those things go as far as 50 feet, why did no one maze Cho? He put more than three bullets into every victim, someone has got to have a break from him while he was shooting other people and could have done something about it) The point is people were not mentally prepared and hence stunned and just froze and did nothing. That is the problem. Just like 9/11 prepared Americans better for dealing with terroists, Virginia Tech masscre should prepare people better at dealing campus shooting.

The debate between democrats and republicans is not about WHETHER an U.S. citizan can buy a gun, it is about more paperwork and registration. And in this case Cho would have qualified to buy a guy anyways. I

2:14 AM, April 22, 2007  
Da said...

To Qiao:

You are right. Other countries, including Canada, also have campus shootings. See

I don't want to argue whether a system will help or not, but the US dominates the number of incidents in the list.

10:14 PM, April 25, 2007  

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