

August 19, 2005

The company party

Yesterday was our company-wide Four Seasons Home Office Summer Party! I heard lots of great things about it before, and yes it was that good.

All decent looking photos from my camera are posted on my picture blog. It started off at 1pm with a private bout cruise onboard the Northern Spirit I. We received 2 free drinks and a meal onboard. The weather was excellent, and made the cruise a great time. I wished it lasted longer, but it ended at around 4:30. Sorry peeps, no pictures while on cruise; my camera had no batteries.

Next was our team-building event on The Docks. We were randomly split into 12 groups to play in a series of competitive events. It proved to be successful as we had good "bonding times". And having one of the presidents of the company, Katie Taylor on our team didn't hurt either.

And finally, the dinner and dancing. It was held on the brand new The Next Level. It had amazing views, patios, lounge, and tables. The food was awesome, and what can I say, with an open bar, you definitely can't go wrong.

It was so refreshing to get out on a work day, and this really recharged my internal betteries. I soooo needed this, and now I actually feel excited about working again.


  • At 8:02 PM, platkat said…

    Katie Taylor? Her name is my name too! (4, 6, 8...)

  • At 7:58 PM, william said…

    Wow, that's pretty neat.

    Lol, what are the chance of me randomly stumbling upon someone of the same name as my boss' boss' boss' ... boss.


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