

November 26, 2005

Goodbye teenager, hellooo 20s

First, happy birthday to moi! The number 20 hasn't quite sunk in yet, probably need a day or two more.

Turning 20 is a big step. This means my years as a teenager are gone. No more excuses for stupid things, no more close relation to teen movies, and teen jokes. I actually remember how glad I was when I turned thirteen and how I wanted to grow faster. Guess I got my wish now. Looking back, I can say my seven year stint as a teen was pretty damn good. Probably not the most exciting one of block, but certainly not dull. Had some really good times and used it wisely.

So the 20s are supposed to be the best times of your lfe, right? Now I gotta start thinking about, in a more serious manner, moving out, careers, relationships,... family. Wow. Exciting, but scary, scary words. I'm looking forward to it and I'm going to make sure to live this time of my life to all that it can be. (lol. sounds like the Army ad)


  • At 10:18 PM, Mary said…

    Hey William
    Happy Birthday!!!!

  • At 2:14 AM, Anonymous said…

    Happy birthday man! =)


  • At 4:48 PM, lamb chop said…

    Bah, I've heard it said that you're not really expected to be mature and adult-like until your mid-twenties. I wouldn't feel too pressured if I were you.

    ('course, this might just be me trying to reassure myself...I've got less than a year before I have to face the same intimidating day!)

    Anyway, I hope your birthday was lovely and this year brings you many good things.

  • At 10:50 PM, Ora Najwa said…

    Congratulations! Happy (belated) Birthday!!


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