

November 20, 2005

What a night!

Yesterday was the ECE Dinner Dance and it was hella fun! Although there were a few minor glitches here and there, overall it was a very successful night. The fact that I organized to make it happen made it that much more rewarding. Reaping the fruits of my labour so to speak.

Photos from my camera are now uploaded on my photo blog. I know there were others taking pics too. Here is Danny's site with pictures taken from his crappy 3.1 MP camera.

More importantly, I gotta give shout-outs to all those who helped me greatly. Kharthick, in giving me directions and Hotel contacts, Jeremy for selling tickets, quite persuasively might I add, and Danny for helping me with advertising.

I hope all 125 in attendance had a great time. There are many lessons I learned from this event, one of which is wine and pop do not mix very well.


  • At 7:54 PM, Anonymous said…

    nice shirt will!


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