About Me
I'm a third year electrical engineering student at the university of toronto, currently doing an internship in the silicon valley. I don't have any nunchuck skills, bowhunting skills, or computer hacking skills.
Blawgs I read
- z3nger
- yjellie
- merryclaire
- subterfuge
- Truth, Beauty, Love, and Elisa
- We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl year after year
- CaliRoger
- Amber Mac
- Kevin Rose
- Dilbert Blog
Digg newz 
Awesum podcasts
Previously on Spider Man, wait I mean... my blog
- 1000 Visits
- Word of the day
- Buried under a giant pile
- Fall term timetable
- Site feed
- F!rosh week 0T5
- Whoo-hoo!! I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeee
- Jays Sunday
- The company party
- The end is near,

At 7:33 PM, lamb chop said…
Nice! I appreciate that, as I was almost an engineer...
And congrats on your hits!
At 1:52 AM, Elisabeth said…
I understood half of that list and I'm just a social science major. It comes from living with two engineers.
At 3:48 AM, Elisa said…
haha...I didn't get the rabbit/water one...I'm guessing it's a private engineer joke :)
At 4:43 PM, Anonymous said…
haha.. that's funny.. you're such a nerd!
At 9:35 PM, Nicole from...i dono, Lj...nic_chick said…
that's hilarious!
i'm making all my engineer friends read this...
At 5:57 PM, william said…
Wow, I'm really surprised you guys understand the list. I certainly didn't back when I first got it.
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