

September 08, 2005

F!rosh week 0T5

F!rosh week was hella tight this year!

For the second year in a row, I participated as a F!rosh leedur. Already exhausted prior to this week, but Frosh week brought my spirits right back up. Physically, I'm still tired, but mentally, very wired. I went too crazy last year, so I tried to be more reserved this year. For example, I didn't do full-body dyeing of purple, kept my voice for a little longer, and didn't attend EVERY single event.

Still though, I was fully into all the important/fun events, and all were well worth the energy and time. Again, I was a leader for Gamma group, and again, our group was awesome! In my opinion, the 0T9s seem more spirited than those of last year, and my year. It's just plain fun to hang out with old friends, meet new first years, act crazy, and cause havoc all at the same time.

Pictures of the madness should be coming soon. And I really should be getting some rest.


  • At 8:02 PM, Anonymous said…

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    You could by to check it out, when you get the time. They have good stuff!!

  • At 8:28 PM, lamb chop said…

    haha, oh those crazy blog-spammers! What will they think of next?

    I helped out with frosh week at my school this year too...causing havoc is definitely wicked fun. and I have to say I admire the enthusiasm it would take to paint your whole body purple (even if it was last year)! Go you!

  • At 8:37 PM, william said…

    So basically the little word test does nothing to stop spammers and everything to annoy real users. And i don't see any "hot african dates" on that site!!

    Yes, enthusiasm is one thing. But there's also the burning eyes, losing quality of vision for a while, burning testicles, and leaving purple stains on every single thing you touch.


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