

January 08, 2006

A new term

So tomorrow starts another term. The 3rd year Spring term. After a 2 and a half week break, I feel ready and excited to go back now.

The downer is last term's marks are posted and boy, are they disgusting. The lowest average ever since coming to university. I was expecting low marks, but still, to actaully see it scripted in my record, it's a different story. And I just realized how much this will hurt my chances of admission into grad school. When applying next year, the marks they'll look at is obviously the 3F and 3S terms.

Therefore, this means I must perform almost flawlessly this time to balance last term's Quasimodo of a mark. I do feel this term looks easier than last. The courses sound interesting and I'm excited for another run at Skule. Here's my timetable:


  • At 9:58 PM, M said…

    wow, you have 9AM classes? Bummer! Well, at least you don't have late classes and work that makes you get home late... like past 10PM... which means you have no time to do anything when you get home except eat, bathe, and sleep.


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