

December 21, 2005

The stache and the goatee is coming off

Phew... finally got through another season of playoffs of university. This was the longest exam period I ever had, 2 and a half weeks! My facial hair is even of, dare I say, "respectable" length?

What of the exam results? I really have no high hopes for it this term. Doesn't matter how well I do on the exams, I lost enough marks during the semester to bring down the final grade significantly. And I don't expect much from the exams anyway.

This is the problem/side-effect of doing well last year. Now everyone expects for me to be on that same level; my parents, my friends, even myself. Oh well ... at least it's not like I'm gonna lose a scholarship, since I never had any to begin with.

The only thing on my mind now is a whole lot of relaxation and going out to enjoy the season.


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