

February 05, 2006

California, here I come!

*cue in The OC song*

We've been on the run
Driving in the sun,
Looking out for #1.
California here we come
Right back where we started from

Back at the beginning of the year (last September), I thought to myself "Man, wouldn't it be sooo awesome to live in California?". I kept dreaming of it since then, but never really gave a thought that it would actually happen, so soon.

Well, PEY has given the me chance to do exactly that. I've been doing interviews all this month, for 12-16 months internships for next year. I had 3 with ATI, and another 3 so far with Actel. Actel is a FPGA company located in Mountain View, right in the heart of Silicon Valley. To my honest surprise, Actel really likes me, and wants to hire me. The Sr. Manager of Technology Development likes my interest and enthusiasm and sees it as a great fit in their department. We spoke in three different occasions so far, and yesterday he gave me an offer. And I love the position! Of all the ones I applied for, this is the one that's perfect for me. It's in the Flash Technology Development, in which I would help in the design of their Flash device, which is the main product out of Actel.

More details will surely come, but right now, I'm extremely happy and thankful for this opportunity. Think about all the experience I'll gain at Actel and the fun I'll have in California. I'm super excited! Can't wait.


  • At 11:34 PM, m said…

    wow... u're so lucky... bring me to Cali too.... i love it there... but i was in LA, SanFan, SanDigeo when I went to Cali.

  • At 1:21 AM, Elisa said…

    wow....huge congrats mate!!!! I'm hella hapy for you:)

  • At 12:30 PM, william said…

    I guess you didn't read my latest posting Elisa.
    But thanks for the thoughts!

  • At 2:16 AM, Anonymous said…

    Thank you!
    [url=http://oxjocdxr.com/djhl/yyzv.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://dyziyljq.com/vtbv/ofup.html]Cool site[/url]

  • At 2:16 AM, Anonymous said…

  • At 2:16 AM, Anonymous said…

    Nice site!
    http://oxjocdxr.com/djhl/yyzv.html | http://gfxgqgem.com/rjxg/gvsv.html


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