

March 27, 2006

Facebook fasting

I'm going to try an experiment. For one full week, that is between Mon. Mar. 27 - Sun. Apr. 2, I am NOT going to use Facebook. No wall-writing, no messages, no friend-confirmations, no stalking, no nothing.

It'll be a cool challenge to test my self-control. I have 6 important interviews this week, so what better time than now. I did the 30-Hour Famine a couple years back, but I have the feeling this will be even harder than that. MSN Messenger, you're next.


  • At 7:02 AM, M said…

    you should have fasted from facebook until the end of exams!

  • At 4:39 PM, william said…

    I was thinking of that for a minute. and then.... agh, screw it!


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