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updated: Dec 31, 2004 "Yearblog" 2004的最后一天,除了气温一下子升高了很多以外,没有什么特别. 晚上和同学一起出去玩,不过觉得没什么意思.今年去City Hall的 人好象少了很多,气氛也没有前两年那么热闹了.今天倒是遇到了 不少很久不见的同学,每个人都有变化,自己却好象这一年没过一样, 没有太多的改变. http://www.jianyisky.com/ --------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Dec 30, 2004 "A world without cops" ------天下无贼 冯小刚还是不错,毕竟每年拍出来的东西大家都爱看,而且看的舒服, 算起来已经快小10年了吧,还是每次让大家看出点儿新东西来.淡然张 艺谋也每年有大片,虽然也可以说都是上成之作,但是总是看完了有人 说这个不好,那个不好的.今天又看了功夫,也可以说我一向对港产电影 有偏见,反正不怎么待见.加上早些时候的2046,看来今年最让人舒服的 还是冯导的中餐,不是张导的大餐,也不是王导的西餐,更不是周星星的 街头小吃. --------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Dec 29, 2004 "Risk" Some of us are fascinated in this board game these days. Playing Rish spends more time than does the Majiang, gosh!! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Risk_%28game%29 http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%88%B0%E5%9C%8B%E9%A2%A8%E9%9B%B2 --------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Dec 28, 2004 "Peking duck" I am from Beijing, so I should love it. unfortunately, I'm really not into it. However, I still pround of it, it's symbolic Beijing. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peking_duck http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%8C%97%E4%BA%AC%E7%83%A4%E9%B8%AD --------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Dec 27, 2004 "Enemy at the Gate" Saw it today on History channel, heard it is a good movie. Again, it's a jude law movie(I might have seen too much of his movies recently), story is about battle of Stalingrad, WW2. Jude law is a star sniper of Russian Red Army, who battles every challenge he is up to. Very good directing work, I feel I am in the war like reality. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Stalingrad --------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Dec 26, 2004 "Boxing day" 从来就没想过今天去shopping,这次也一样,很多同学都去大采购,而且 还都有好多目标,自己到是懒的去和别人挤,到头来还不一定买到什么好 东西.不过最主要的还是前些天已经逛过eaton很多次,现在已经没有什 么欲望去买东西了. --------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Dec 25, 2004 "Christmas day" 今天真的好象赶场子一样.下午打篮球,没想到发挥还真好,和一堆老外 打了快两个小时.回到家接到Amy电话说是在Chinatown的Echo包了房间 唱歌,提前就预料到一定还有人要来电话叫吃饭,所以去坐了半个小时就 走了.不出所料Jalen,Max从London(Western)回来了,加上andy,yingying 一起,叫我去吃饭,到了那里一共十个人,吃饭去Ezone又坐了一下,各自散 了.后来居然又去了Frad House,一大队人在那里看天下无贼,吃饺子,之后 熬夜玩Risk.这一天真是活动多,不过以后要是平均成每天一个倒是更好. --------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Dec 24, 2004 "Christmas Eve" 先送周佳去机场,虽然她来了才5天,但是走的时候还真舍不得,只能祝她在 Regina也能玩好.回去晚上在Mandy家聚会,Mandy妈妈做了好多好吃的,吃 了很多.然后玩了一晚上Twister,我的腰都第二天都快不行了. --------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Dec 23, 2004 "Diana, Princess of Wales" Descendant of King Charles I. Wife of Prince of Wales. Mother of two. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diana%2C_Princess_of_Wales --------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Dec 22, 2004 "U of T Tour" 带周佳去大学看了看,自然还是那些学校里自己很熟悉又欣赏的地方, 不过这次觉得多大还真不是一天可以看完的.那么多的建筑,那么多的 景色,那么多的故事,我一一的讲这,当每讲完一个以后,心里又会想 起另一个.最后整个下午只能说带她去走了半个学校,而且还都是走马 观花式的.国内同学告诉说,北大清华同样是历史悠久,充满了故事的 学校,但是心里还是会更喜欢伦多大学一些,毕竟我是其中一员. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Toronto -------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Dec 21, 2004 "Null" 今天太累了,逛商场比打篮球还累,我都快瘫了,不写了,睡觉! http://www.billboard.com/ -------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Dec 20, 2004 "Something gotta save" I'm so broke right now, have to try to save some these days, when holiday season is here, I always cann't control myself for buying new stuff, books, cloths, CDs. On top of that, I intend to eat more frequently and luxuriously. Really gonna call a stop for it, just shop for everything "NECESSARY"!! "Save me, would you?" -------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Dec 19, 2004 "Men are from Wars" I am working on the biography written by Edward J. Renehan, Jr. I was so surprised by how wars can change a man. A playboy could be changed into a hero, a slacker could become a warrior, but more commonly, a great man could become eligible future president of united states. If we were in wars now, what could we become?? http://www.treknature.com/gallery/Europe/Belgium/photo5168.htm ------------------------------------------------------------ updated: Dec 18, 2004 "Suddenly, anywhere you wanna go seems a lot of colder" 今天气温陡降,晚上达到-22度,并且刮大风.好象来多伦多三年半 还是第一次天气这么冷.看新闻北京也变的很冷,想到到现在还没给 家里打电话,真是不应该.明天是这学期考试最后一天,祝所有同学 都考试顺利,弄完之后大家一起再好好玩. http://www.sodaplay.com/ ------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Dec 17, 2004 "A day with a old friend" 周佳终于来了,还有什么是比和一个四年没见的老同学在异国相会 更好的事情?"你没变么","你也没变".多让人感觉到温暖的 话语,各自都清楚,"没变"只是我们的愿望,改变已经深深印在 了之后所谈论的每件事情,所做的每个动作.也许没有关系,反正 我们都记的北京中学的彼此,那时的我,那时的她,还有其他所有 同学们,我们都记的!! ------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Dec 17, 2004 "Eligible candidate for injury list" 晚上Hart House打篮球,来了很多人,大概总共二三十个.没想到的 是今天能打的那么好,想到的是今天小腿一定会抽筋.没想到的事情 发生了不奇怪,和Enigeenring的几个高手一队打起来就是高水平, 每个运球,传球,投篮都是高水平,而且动作都是那样完美,我们队 一共在场上连续击败了四组人,直到我腿抽筋退场,队员解散.想到 的事情既然想到,那就痛痛快快的让它来,因此从开始到最后抽筋两 次,彻底证明了一个学期没进体育馆打球的成果,自然还有其他两个 人也发生了同样的事情,肯定了我还不是唯一缺乏锻炼的人.当然, 只要玩的好,而且能和高手一起对抗,几下肌肉痉挛算的了什么. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/ ------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Dec 16, 2004 "Lights! Camera! Exams! Cut! Cut!" At the end, exams are all over. I am exhausted, Let me take a little rest, will go play basketball in Hart house tomorrow. Hope the holidays goes well, friend coming to Toronto on Sat. OK, excuse me for skipping today's Blog, cya!! http://www.awronow.com/main/index.html ------------------------------------------------------------ updated: Dec 15, 2004 "考试.考试?考试!" 这几天考试阶段,每天去图书馆会多待几个小时,不过好象书没看更多. 现在喝上了Starbucks的Tazo hot tea,有太多品种,这么长时间居然 都没品尝完.有China green tips,和绿茶差不多,但是加了奶以后味 道会更浓,最后还是一直在喝这个.Tazo Chai,一种很熟悉的味道,但是 找不出是什么,好象是英国红茶.Refresh,这个一看名字就应该知道是 和Refresh牙膏或Sprite Ice差不多的味道了,但是淡淡的,还不错.还 有很多没尝过,Earl Grey, Wake, Calm等等.马上考试要结束,学校也 要关闭十几天,大概其他这些只有下个学期继续了. --------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Dec 14, 2004 "Movie review - 影评" "Wimbledon" A well made movie, it proves to me that Kirsten Dunst is always a wild girl on every frisk she plays. This time as a rising american tenis star, she is going to having a crush on an old english man. Another Working Title film, I just bloody hell hate these guys, I hate missing a lot of lines because I cann't quite follow the english tongue. Good movie, sweet scenes, nice kick. "Closer" "Hi, Jude. Don't let me down."That's what I thought while watching. Jude Law has done quite a lot of cheesy movies recently, "Alfie","Sky Captain", include this one. Where is the spirit of "AI" and "Cold Mountain"? People are saying he would be the next 007, but I doubt it very much now. "Kinsey" Oh, I love the passion of Dr Kinsey, sexual revolution is indeed inspiring everyone at that time, even now. The movie kept capturing me with the develop of his research,his relationship of Mrs Kinsey. Good one. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinsey "Alexander" Epic movie is out now, "LOTR", "Troy", "King Arthur", why more? Like all the likehood, 3 hours, many battles, lots of heros,kings and warriers.We watched too much bloodshed, they are all the same. ----------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Dec 13, 2004 "Guilty, recommend death penalty" ------- Scott Peterson's trial Have God given anyone any right to decide an other man's fate? if not, how could a group of 12 poeple decide peterson should be punished with death sentence? Of cource, all the media report "jury 'recommends' death penalty".But isn't that exactly what they are going to do later? The "Recommend" will be conducted, the execution will be done. No matter Peterson is going to havean or hell,he will be dead and that is not his will. I felt a little sad after I knew the delibration from CNN, maybe I just thought too much about the death thing. Peterson is convicted guilty, he deserves whatever result is death or life without parole. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Peterson_(convicted_murderer) ---------------------------------------------------------- updated: Dec 12, 2004 "It's that time of the year again" Christman season is all around, preceded by Chanukah, the triditional Jewish holiday, known as Festival of lights, succeeded by Kwanzaa, the African American culture holiday. Surely it's gonna be a big holiday celebration this year, guess I will really go buy a lot of stuff and join the joy. http://www.historychannel.com/exhibits/holidays/index.html ---------------------------------------------------------- updated: Dec 11, 2004 "Toronto Sleepmore" 这些天不知道怎么了,到了晚上九十点就困的不行,原来不过一点 什么感觉都没有,现在倒是早晚都很规律,该睡的时候自己就挺不 住了.昨天看了Amelie,就是那个法国电影,以前发现好多女生都 看过,而且都挺喜欢,自己看了觉得真的平淡无奇,比再早两天看的 Anacondas:The Hunt for the Blood Orchid还让人能觉得无聊. 今天,还是大雪,不知道我们在中国所说的"瑞雪照丰年"对加拿大 这样一个"北国"是否有相同的意义呢?丰年不丰年的明年才知道, 但是如果现在就去睡个好觉,我知道明天会是精力充沛的一天. "祝所有人今晚有个好梦,Have a sweet dream!!" ----------------------------------------------------------- updated: Dec 10, 2004 "Reading list" Jack: Straight from the Gut - Jack Welch, John A. Byrne -- The Kennedys at War - EDWARD J. RENEHAN JR --------------- Monarch: The Life and Reign of Elizabeth II - Robert Lacey The Best of Sherlock Holmes - Conan Doyle ---------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Dec 9, 2004 "I now pronounce you 'husband' and 'wife'" ---------Same-sex Marriage 今天的Chuch St/Alexzander St一定是热闹非凡,从电视转播上看, 那里很多酒吧和餐厅都有很多的人在庆祝.也许今天加拿大所有大城市的 Gay街都会有不少的活动,突然想起自己大学里面那个很活跃的同性恋学 生会LGBT@UT一定更是热闹.记得以前和一个女生同学在学校路过那个 Club的office,朋友向小小的office里面看了许久,这才发现,里面 全部是身材又好,长的又帅的一群大男骇儿.怪不得这位女生同学只要以 后从那里走过,必定要站在路上往里望上一会儿."Why all the hot looking guys are gay?",这个问题Sex and the City不只出现过一次. 如果是我,我也会象Carrie一样迷惑,"I couldn't help wonder ...". 今天加拿大最高法院同意修改婚姻的定义,使同性间的结合包括在正常 婚姻范围内,接下来由众议院投票决定是否通过这个仪案,如果通过, 那加拿大将会成为续荷兰,比利时只后第三个同性婚姻合法化的国家. ----------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Dec 8, 2004 "一天" 平常的一天,上课,图书馆,吃饭,去超市,上网,写作业. 出去正好赶上雨最大的时候,没有带伞,脑子里想的更多的是身上那件Gap 一定完了,在Chinatown换钱,汇率是1.1977(1USD=1.1977CAD),早就不管是多 少了,自从去年美元下跌以来到现在,在加拿大的留学生对换钱损失的那 差价已经麻木.图书馆里的人不象上个星期那样稀少,现在是期末考试复习 的时期,而大概上个两个星期还是期中考试刚结束的阶段.晚上大概是所有 学生最有效率的时候,每个人面前差不多都是一个或几个纸杯,里面从Decef 到Hot Chocolate,从Latte到Hot Green Tea.真是感谢Starbucks为我们 提供了从法国咖啡到英国奶茶再到中国绿茶的所有服务.当然这些都不是 为了我们看似挑剔的品位,而是为了在那充满压力的考试和永远会在考试 之前一天才能看完的阅读之间保持大脑清醒的一点小手段.当十一点整, 图书馆Frontdesk那刺耳的声音到来之后,我会知道,今天又是平常的一天, 一切该发生的发生了,而一切渴望发生但却没有发生的,只有等到又一个明天 才有可能. http://www.osm.utoronto.ca/room_pics/ ---------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Dec 7, 2004 "Movie Review" Finding Neverland A drama biography, basically the movie give a neat story about the legendary Writer J.M. Barrie, befriends a widow and her four sons who inspire him to create the character Peter Pan. There are some suggestions I can give you about the movie. If you are not a native English speaker, you'd better not see it. If you are not a fairy-tale believer, you'd better not see it. If you are seeking some action scenes, you'd better not see it. Summing up, if you wanna better spend your money and time, you'd better not see this movie. National Treasure A old-fashion adventure flick, starring Nicolas Cage and Diane Kruger, latter was the Helen of Troy in movie "Troy". This is the kind of movie in which all turning points are predictable, all scenes are normal hollywood kind of fighting, chasing, shooting and going. Not a bad one for kick-ass seeking audiences. At least I learned some history on America. ---------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Dec 6, 2004 "爱上雪" ---突然之间,世界可以一片雪白 今天才算是多伦多今冬的第一场雪,不是很大,但是那程度足够满足 象我一样爱雪的人.晚上回来看朋友们的blog和照片,北京今天,雪; 香港今天,雪;加拿大中部,雪.原来全世界都在下雪,原来今天朋友们 的世界也都和我一样.记得去年冬天的第一场雪,12月14号,早早的拿 着相机去了学校,一路上人很少,拍了很多很好的照片,当时决定以后 每年第一场雪都要出来拍些照片.从小到现在记忆里有很多场雪,每到 大雪就会想起以前在北京上学的冬天,小学的雪已经记不清了.初中周 五的那场大雪,到了膝盖,学生那天都玩儿疯了,好象因为是要期末考 试,课程已经基本完了,所有人都在操场,没有一个愿意回家.高中有很 多场大雪,当时要骑自行车上学,大概有二十多分钟的路,如果下雪,大 家都会慢慢的,但是骑车的人还是那么多,好象一点没有不方便的感觉. 到了学校,一到下课大家都会跑出去,不知道是为什么,只要当世界一下 子变的那样雪白,平时最不爱出去的同学也都会有在户外走一走的心情. 当然,要回忆的不单是这些,还有雪天里遇到的人,发生的事,因为他们, "我想我永远会是爱雪的人". --------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Dec 5, 2004 "The Terminal" -----别了多伦多 Pearson International Airport Terminal one, Toronto, Canada. Local Time 07:30AM, AC103 Flight to Beijing through Vancouver. 送行,早八点半多伦多国际机场一号航站楼,经温哥华至北京.送好 朋友回国的感觉从来都是矛盾的,每次的送别起码预示着在一段时间 里不会相见,也有可能是很久不见.但是同时,自己能送的一般是回 国航班,表明这个朋友要回家了,不管发生什么事情,回家总是让人 憧憬和愉快的.就在每次离别的伤感和为朋友回家而高兴的喜悦中, 一次又一次的回忆留在了我们的心里.让我衷心的对好朋友说一句 "要回家了,祝一路平安,一切顺利,保持联系" ----------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Dec 4, 2004 "中文" 总是在想,我的blog大家到底爱不爱读,是不是有一些东西让大家 觉得很疏远,所以不会对我写的blog有太大的兴趣.我知道其中很 大是语言上的问题,国内的很多同学叫我把网站改成中文,但是又 放不下国外的同学和朋友,毕竟我们在这边或多或少对英文有些依 赖性,而且很多东西真的用英文才能表达的更贴切.以后会尽量平 衡好两种语言的运用,让大家都能更好的了解我的想法.最后就是 要请大家多支持了,多留言,说说感受和意见,我一定努力!! ----------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Dec 3, 2004 "Twice upon a time" -------Time Travel We are more than familar with all kinds of time travel and time machines. Theories of special relativity, general relativity and quantum mechanics. Approaches like Wormholes, massive spinning cylinders. Movies, such as "Back to the future" and "Time After Time". Can time travel really been done? Can we really travel to the past or future? Can we "edit" the timeline so that we could experience the intersection of "curved" path on fourth dimension? Are these questions unsolvedable now? Or should I say "Are these questions unsolvedable this time?" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_travel ------------------------------------------------------------ updated: Dec 2, 2004 "God only knows" -----Beach Boys I may not always love you But long as there are stars above you You never need to doubt it I’ll make you so sure about it God only knows what I’d be without you If you should ever leave me Though life would still go on believe me The world could show nothing to me So what good would living do me God only knows what I’d be without you God only knows what I’d be without you If you should ever leave me Well life would still go on believe me The world could show nothing to me So what good would living do me God only knows what I’d be without you God only knows what I’d be without you God only knows -------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Dec 1, 2004 "Ling" Ling,总是在Pbase上浏览她的摄影日记,看她的照片每次 都会有让人意外的发现,不过照片里更吸引我的地方是关于 北京的元素.Ling生活在北京,虽然一直没有搞清楚她住在 城市的哪里,但是那些关于后海,酒吧,街道的照片总是能 让我有一种回家的感觉。不过现在她说要结束这个摄影日记 了,不知道是什么样的原因她做出了这样的决定,但是在这 里真心的希望Ling在北京一切顺利. http://www.pbase.com/hongling -------------------------------------------------------------- "Viewers discretion is advised, some comments contain violence, corse langague and explicit sexual content." "所有内容纯属真实,如有虚构,纯属巧合." --------冰火花(Icespark)