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update: Nov 30, 2004 "Peter the Great" Peter I of Russia, ruled Russia from 7 May 1682 until his death. Known as Peter the Great, he was at first a joint ruler with his weak and sickly half-brother, Ivan V, who died in 1696. Peter then ruled alone until 1724, whenceforth he ruled jointly with his wife, Catherine I. Peter carried out a policy of "Westernization" and expansion that transformed Russia into a major European power. He abandoned "Tsar" as his primary title in 1721 and replaced it with "Emperor." Peter was extraordinarily tall at six foot seven inches (2 meters) and a powerful man (although his gangly legs and arms are said to have limited his handsomeness). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_I_of_Russia ------------------------------------------------------------ update: Nov 29, 2004 "Blog" 阅读别人的Blog从来都是一种尝试新生活的最好方法.不关我是否认 识此人,或者我们是无事不谈的好朋友,阅读总是给人好象静静品位 的感觉,同聊天,电话,和交谈都不一样.每个人都有自己不同一般 的生活,当了解别人变成了一种体验快乐和伤感的旅程,完成了某次 旅行的你,会不会因为那经历太过难忘,而不愿回归自我呢? http://apple_nannan.blogone.net ------------------------------------------------------------ update: Nov 28, 2004 "心中的明星" 还用说什么,今天所有台上的演唱者都是我心中的明星. 你们是张学友,是王菲,我们来听你的演唱会.每次看到台 上神采飞扬的你们,心里就会激动到无法控制,真希望自己 是台下大喊"You are so sexy!!"的那个人,让大家也知道 此时的我已经无法控制自己.上次的Gameshow让我们自信的喊 出"We are the best!!",这次的Karaoke Competition我们 已经不需要再次证明,我们也许应该说 "We are the greater best!!" -----------记CUA Karaoke Competition -------------------------------------------------------------- update: Nov 27, 2004 "百科全书 - Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia" 前些天在找到了这个百科全书的网站,一些被其中大量的知识所吸引了. 以前在网上找信息的时候一般就是在google上扫一下,看看简单的介绍, 之后就了之.现在几乎每个感兴趣的人物或事件都可以在这里找到详细的 讲解.当然毕竟是美国网站,所以关于西方的资料会相对更完整. 读者自己也可以加入到撰写的行列中,这是Wiki系统独一无二的优势. 同时提供包括英文,中文等在内的十几种语言. 来看一看,Wikipedia一定有你想知道的,想了解的! http://www.wikipedia.org/ ----------------------------------------------------------- update: Nov 27, 2004 "关于摄影" 总是觉得我那个Sony-P7落后的不行,3.2Megapixel出来的照片 简直惨不忍睹,可以清楚的看出照片上的noise,而且cybershot 的操作简直不能忍受,快门感光就那么几个档,让我怎么调出好 的combination.其实自己也看过很多3.2机子出来的照片,有很 多很好的,但是相比大量的SLR高质量照片来说,简直不值一提. 当然,还是那句话."好照片是用'心'拍出来的,只有无'心'的人 才会去抱怨客观的事物."这句话我一直牢记,希望哪天,别人看 到我的照片,也会说"能看出来这张是用'心'拍的" ----------------------------------------------------------- update: Nov 26, 2004 "Movie Review" After The Sunset: Well, another action moive you can just sit back and enjoy without using your brain. No doubt, the leading actress Salma Hayek is hot, guys should keep your eyes on her from beginning to the end, otherwise, you are wasting your money. Alfie: I thought it should be a good one while seeing the trailer, everybody would say Jude Law is cute and his british accent is adorable. However, the movie is plain, you can only get some light-up at the beginning when he show off his style. I must say the ending is boring, if I was the director, I would feel regret for it. Team America:World Police : Crap! Crap! Crap! It's just that. and you know what, it's exactly what most of the movie about, dirty talks, cheesy actions, no wonder people throw out. OK, the moive is rated R, violence, corse langague and explicit sexual content all included, that's all. The Incredibles: If you havn't seen this movie, you get to. Pixar's movies never make you down, paticular this one. it is not just another fine-aminated kids movie, creators gets a incredible sense of fashion with it. The characters, costumes, logics, They all come to one word "Incredible". --------------------------------------------------------- update: Nov 25, 2004 "晚11点半,大雨,回家." 手里的Balenciaga Paris能给的那一点点庇护还比不上耳机里 传来的California Dreaming给我的温暖多.也只有我这样的 懒人才忍受的了拿着防紫外线功能多一些的雨伞来抵挡多伦多 今年的第一个雪天.心里还在盘算,美国既然退出了京都条约, 那这西南飘来的寒流里所带的污染,是不是和加拿大向 Michigan州每年出口的大量垃圾一样,同样值得在美加贸易 制裁上作为一个小小的砝码.或者制裁就制裁,加拿大停止 出口原木,那美国职业大联盟球队使用的球棒只靠Minnesota, Kentucky的木材供应,能撑多长时间? 不要留下我思维跳跃性太强的印象,作为一个在图书馆坐了 手表半圈的人来说,能在回家的路上胡思乱想是一种很奢侈的东西. 昨天在美国朋友问我如何过Thanksgiving, "Should I go to one of those parties and have some turkey?" I said "Party? dont even bother,I stayed home and had a little fun with 3 blockbusters in straight.About the Turkey? forget it, I'd rather have frozen dumpling that day". 是不是太没趣了,毕竟人家在询问怎样过节,但我就是这么过的呀. Christmas临近,有同学要回国,有朋友要来玩. 而我呢,又要在这里过,从来没觉得多伦多圣诞节有 什么节日气氛,今年会怎么样呢?? ----------------------------------------------------- update: Nov 24, 2004 "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" It's Energetic, hilarious and lady do all the dance. The host is actually the voice of Dory(Finding Nemo). She has a good sensitive voice, sense of humor. www.ellendegeneres.com ---------------------------------------------------- update: Nov 23, 2004 "Website Log" The official launch date of this website is Nov 7, 2004, 02:47 PM. http://www.cuaut.org/forum/showthread.php?t=17962&page=1 The official close date of previous one is Oct 16, 2004. 12:29 AM http://individual.utoronto.ca/icespark/website/index.htm ----------------------------------------------------- update: Nov 22, 2004 "Desperate Housewives" -------Unpopular Culture? ABC's new primetime soap with a truly contemporary take on "happily every after," this new hour- long drama takes a darkly comedic look at suburbia, where the secret lives of housewives aren't always what they seem. http://abc.go.com/primetime/desperate/ ----------------------------------------------------- update: Nov 22, 2004 "JFK Reloaded" This video game simulation of JFK's assasination is released on the 41st anniversary of Kennedy's murder in Dallas. http://www.jfkreloaded.net/ --------------------------------------------------- updated: Nov 21, 2004 "What are true Canada and Canadian spirit?" They are Sir John A. Macdonald and Hudson's Bay Company. They are Terry Fox and his "Marathon of Hope". They are Pierre Trudeau and his "Trudeaumania". They are Frederick Banting and his Insulin. They are Avril Aavigne, Shania Twain and Celine Dion. They are Hockey Hall of Fames and Stanley Cup. They are Raptors and Vince Carter. They are Air Canada, Nortel and Bombardier. They are Maples and Beavers and Mooses. They are Great !! http://www.cbc.ca/greatest/ ---------------------------------------------------- updated: Nov 20, 2004 Reading list: The Kennedy Curse - Edward Klein Shopgirl - Steve Martin Narabedla Ltd. - Frederik Pohl A Different Drummer - Michael K. Deaver The Renaissance in Italy - Jacob Burckhardt Calculating God - Robert j. Sawyer ---------------------------------------------------- updated: Nov 19, 2004 "Recession is when your neighbor loses his job. Depression is when you lose yours. And recovery is when George W Bush loses his." ----- Originally from Ronald Reagan Ref: Roosevelt, Franklin D. 1933-45 Truman, Harry 1945-53 Eisenhower, Dwightb 1953-61 Kennedy, John F. 1961-63 Johnson, Lyndon 1963-69 Nixon, Richard 1969-74 Ford, Gerald 1974-77 Carter, Jimmy 1977-81 Reagan, Ronald 1981-89 Bush, George H.W. 1989-93 Clinton, William J. 1993-2001 Bush, George W. 2001-present http://www.whitehouse.gov/history/presidents/index2.html ---------------------------------------------------- updated: Nov 18, 2004 "我爱喝雪碧,如果只有一罐雪碧的时候,你会不会把它让给我??" "很爱吹那蒲公英的花冠,以前在北京走上十条街也没有一棵, 现在好了,多伦多的住处旁边就是大大的草坪, 上面有成千上万朵蒲公英花,每次看到她们, 自己的心情也会随着风飞起来。" "几万光年的深处有一个星球,那里一千年才会出现一次星空, 当美丽的天空即将到来的时候,星球上的居民们全部出来欣赏 这旷世美景,由于那星空太过绚烂,全星球的人都疯了。" ----------------------------------------------------- updated: Nov 17, 2004 Mom and Dad, I love you!! http://www.pbase.com/icespark/image/35228110 ----------------------------------------------------- "Viewers discretion is advised, some comments contain violence, corse langague and explicit sexual content." "所有内容纯属真实,如有虚构,纯属巧合." --------冰火花(Icespark)