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updated: Jan 20, 2005 "Uniter or Divider" ---Inauguration Day Today, is the second inaugural day of George.W.Bush. I watch most of the ceremony, I was impressed by Mr.Bush's speech, not in term of the content, but president's ability to deliver a perfect speech. There wasn't one mistake, one hesitation. It's smooth as hell, for as long as 30 minutes, I didn't see he had a speech transcript handy, I wasn't sure he had them all in mind or there was a screen. But it was a incredible speech. "The survival of liberty in our land increasingly depends on the success of liberty in other lands." That's what he said. Well, guees uncle Sam just cann't get his hands off the world. I wonder if President Bush said "So help me God" or "So help me". Latter is more likely, oriental orthodox should like that,right? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inauguration_Day -------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Jan 19, 2005 "Something" "The day", something should've happend, but something didn't. "The day", I would like something happend, but something don't. "The day", I shall make something happend, but something won't. I almost get "the day" on my nervous, I'd beg god to let these something happen, I'm obsessed with "the day", the day in which something certainly happen in a way that everybody love to. "Boy, am I crazy!" -------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Jan 18, 2005 "NFL Playoffs" Eagles, Falcons, Patriots, Steelers. It couldn't be any better, these are real top-class teams in NFL. I mean, with these teams, all you can expect are great games, no kidding. You're gonna enjoy the finals for sure. http://www.nfl.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NFL -------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Jan 17, 2005 "Airbus A380" ---The double-decker Today, marked the openning of new 555-passenger airbus A380. It's been 5 years since airbus droped the project of building a superior model that supposed to beat the dominate boeing 747. However, the idea of very-large airliner is not that easy it seems like, there are more going on behind what we can see. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A380 -------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Jan 16, 2005 "Golden Globe" 今天是金球奖颁奖典礼,这几年金球奖的影响力好象有很大的提高, 弄的Oscar academic awards倒失去了很多宠爱.晚上看晚会颁奖好象 没什么特别,和所有颁奖典礼一样,很多很多的电影电视明星,很多很多 的好影片.今年最火的当然是Jamie Foxx,,, , 每个都是好片,虽然说我一个都没看过,但是一眼就能看出来都 是演技派才胜任的剧本. http://www.hfpa.org/ -------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Jan 15, 2005 不写blog好长时间了,最近没总没什么心情,而且每天回家好象累的很, 看看电视聊聊天就困到一头倒下睡去了.结果拉下了好多天的blog,今天 才有点感觉.最近看了很多别人的文章,觉得自己写的真是又少又浅. 总之,还是先整理一下心情,从新开始每天写些东西. -------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Jan 12, 2005 "Bobby Kennedy" ----Robert F. Kennedy JFK's younger brother, candidacy for presidency, shot to dead right after Martin Luther King Jr's assassination. Another victim of "the Kennedy Curse" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_F._Kennedy -------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Jan 11, 2005 望天门山--李白 天门中断楚江开, 碧水东流至北回。 两岸青山相对出, 孤帆一片日边来。 http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%9D%8E%E7%99%BD http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li_Po -------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Jan 10, 2005 关山月--李白 明月出天山。 苍茫云海间。 长风几万里。 吹度玉门关。 汉下白登道。 胡窥青海湾。 由来征战地。 不见有人还。 戍客望边邑。 思归多苦颜。 高楼当此夜。 叹息未应闲。 -------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Jan 09, 2005 "Peking University" ---北京大学 One of the most prestigious universities in China, since 1898. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peking_University http://www.pbase.com/yongzhang/pku2003&page=all -------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Jan 08, 2005 "The Catcher in the Rye" ------麦田守望者 Just finish this book by J. D. Salinger. You may heard about the book in variety of readings, it was published in 1951, which became a instant hit, lot of ppl thought it represent the feel of contemporary younth at that time. Later, it became the "bible" of anti-mainstream revolution in 50s. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Catcher_in_the_Rye -------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Jan 07, 2005 "Websight update" 有些时候自己很懒,好多天不更新网站,但是每次有朋友给留言之后, 就又有了动力.看看现在guestbook也有不少大家的greeting,心里很 欣慰,以后就只有多努力来让大家看到更多更好的照片和blog. 在这里说一声"谢谢". http://www.blogcn.com/User3/hudie111/index.html -------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Jan 06, 2005 "Ghost In Shell" ----《攻壳机动队》 自从看过TV版的攻壳机动队之后就已经被它迷住了,更不用说看 了TV第二版和电影之版后.简直是大师级的作品,怪不得Matrix 的作者Wachowski兄弟也承认自己Matrix是受其启发. If you haven't see Ghost In Shell, you would amazed by it. Wachowski brothers, who are writer's of Matrix, told press that their idea of Matrix are inspired by it. "A ture masterpiece!" ------ Icespark http://blog.csdn.net/mentat/archive/2004/06/26/27298.aspx http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_in_the_Shell -------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Jan 05, 2005 "Reading list" A Royal Duty ----------------- Paul Burrel Diana: Unseen archives -- Alison Bauntlett Atlas of Anatomy ----------- TAJ books ltd Oliver Twist ------------- Charles Dickens -------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Jan 04, 2005 "Knightmare" 已经很多很多天了,总是做一些奇怪的梦,每次和朋友晚上聊完天, 总是以一句"祝好梦"来告别,但是自己却已经很长时间没有过好梦 了.从什么追杀,到地震,大楼倒塌之类的好象是最近经常梦到的场 景,也许是好莱屋电影看多了的缘故,也可能是最近看多了Discovery 和History频道的战争记录片.但更可怕的是,梦里面还都有我很好的 朋友,每次见到好朋友心里应该多的是开心,可是现在弄的好象成天和 他们共患难一样.还好我基本上睡醒之后很快就忘掉了梦的具体内容, 只知道是个恐怖的噩梦,其他什么都想不起来,也不想去记住. "看看时间,现在也该睡了,不聊了,祝好梦!!" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dream -------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Jan 03, 2005 "Movie review" In good company: A great movie, that I only recall a few great ones recently, with a talented cast group, is one of favorites this holiday season. I used to have a little doubt with Scarlett Johansson, thought she is too young and she is not that pretty to compete in Hollywood. but this time, she hit me right on, smooth acting, perfectly grabing the feeling of the role. Topher Grace is nice too, he is now paving himself all the way from TV screen to the big screen, and which he did excellent. The movie is really good, trust me, nice plot and humorous punch lines. http://www.ingoodcompanymovie.com/ Ocean twelve: 12 is the new 11, it that right? I can barely find the kind of attraction 11 had, on top of that, 12 is full of hysteric actions, cheap funny plots. I wonder, what is the point to form a all-star team to paly a 2nd-class game? With Brad Pitt, Catherine Zeta-Jones, George Clooney and others, they can make a couple of good ones instead of this poorly conducted sequel. My suggesttion is, go to see Phantom Of The Opera or The Aviator for real wealth of your money! http://wwws.warnerbros.de/movies/oceans12/home.html -------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Jan 02, 2005 "Beginning of new term" Today is the beginning of new semester, although lots of students still on their way back from vacation, at least all the libraries are opened which is the kind of official sign for me-kind-of people. Hope I can do a great term, and have a lot fun with friends. http://www.greatpast.utoronto.ca/OurHistory/default.stm -------------------------------------------------------------- updated: Jan 01, 2005 "First day first" 新年的第一天,开学前最后一天,和朋友约了去打篮球.如果有很多 爱好的运动的话,现在就只有篮球继续了下来.从小学到初中毕业唯 一的运动足球,妈妈一直努力教我得乒乓球,到后来学过的游泳,羽 毛球,击剑,高尔夫,对了还有棒球.到现在只有篮球还是经常玩, 不过总是觉得以后还是有机会去联系其他所有的运动,毕竟身体重要. http://www.premierleague.com/ -------------------------------------------------------------- "Viewers discretion is advised, some comments contain violence, corse langague and explicit sexual content." "所有内容纯属真实,如有虚构,纯属巧合." --------冰火花(Icespark)