APA Online American Philosophical Association.
ACPA American Catholic Philosophical Assoc.
CPA The Canadian Philosophical Association.
Medieval Academy of America.
Society for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy.
International Congress on Medieval Studies (Kalamazoo) The world's biggest annual congress.
U of T Homepage.
Philosophy Department (U of T).
Centre For Medieval Studies (U of T).
Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies.
ASGS Association for Support of Graduate Students. They have an excellent, free email list called Doc-Talk. Don't miss the Best of Doc-Talk.
Philosophy as a Blood Sport (Norman Swartz) Tales from the dark side.
Dissertation.com Commercial publisher.
Tomorrow's Professor Good listserve for those seeking a carrer in academia.
ABD Guide (Ben Dean) Free email newlsetter.
Email Directory (SMRP)
UK and Ireland.
Hippias Philosophy.