Naomi Nagy

Linguistics at U of T

LIN 1256: Advanced Language Variation & Change
Language Contact, Corpora & Analysis

Course Description * Schedule * Reading * Assessment

Discussion & Conclusion Assignment

This assignment gives you a chance to focus on the latter parts of paper-writing: the Discussion and Conclusion sections, without all the labour of designing and conducting a study.

Please read the (partial) paper that is linked to this assignment in Quercus. You will note that it contains an Introduction, some background, Methods, and Results sections only. Your task is to complete the paper the paper by writing a Discussion and/or Conclusion section. Refer to the Abstract for guidance if you like.

Ideally, this section does more than summarize the findings already reported. It may critique aspects of the project, make connections to other work or issues (e.g., the Big Questions in our syllabus), or suggestion a direction for future research (something beyond the ubiquitous "more data might yield clearer results."

It is not necessary to incorporate every element of the Results (or the Abstract), but be sure that you focus on (some of) the language contact issues that are raised.

Use this opportunity to practice strong, clear writing. Make sure that it is proofread.

Don't forget that you can contact me if you have questions or want to discuss any assignment.

Updated January 6, 2021

email: naomi dot nagy at utoronto dot ca | Return to my home page