Saturday, August 19, 2006

Weekly update

This week is a tiring week for me. The thing I am working on this week is extremely tedious and detail-oriented, so it tired me quite a bit.

I began to learn driving since last week. I tried my first 45 minutes on the road last Sunday and was quite nervous. Anyways, I am confident that I will get used to this.

I have pretty much done with my course selection. During the PEY year, I will take Introduction to Economics as my complementary studies. Hopefully it won't be too boring. And I also plan to take Topology and Real Analysis I, however, as the class time is during day time, I need to talk to my boss and get his approval. So, I will see.

Quite a few of my classmates in Tsinghua has arrived in the U.S.  --- bluepine, angelling, eeyy. I hope they will enjoy their lives on this continent in the following years. And I will definitely find a time to CALL them :P

That's pretty much for the past week. Hope my work next week will be more interesting...


Littlemoon said...

driving just takes time, keep good habits, and you'll be an excellent driver... i should be able to ride it soon, yes?

work.. u think u can find interest even when it's not too interesting? could give it a try.. last night, xiao's mother 特别叮咛我们, 以后的日子里, 她最大的愿望, 就是希望我们能从不同的角度看事情,可以在遇到真正困难的时候, 能够不难为自己,能过得去

10:50 PM, August 21, 2006  

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