Tuesday, May 08, 2007

NSERC USRA 2007 Starts

Today is my first day, and obviously I am not working very hard, as I am writing this blog at this time. But I will gradually improve :)

I met with Prof. Kschischang this morning and we talked about my project over the summer. It will be a topic on network coding and it sounds really interesting. I think it will be a fun problem to work on.

Meanwhile, I also need to acquire some stuff to get started. Graph theory is useful for any general networking research, and I will read some tutorial papers on network coding too. There will be a lot to be explored and hopefully I can achieve something.

Life is an opportunity to do something.



Littlemoon said...

of course you'll achieve something.. depends on how you view it.. achievement is everywhere =)

5:45 PM, May 10, 2007  
a biology student's musings said...

summer research, cool~
The term "network" actually prevails in current biological researches, and a lot of ee methodologies are getting into the field. Hope to consult you on the issue in the future as it may be crucial for understanding many systems.

2:07 AM, May 12, 2007  

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