We are hiring:
The Wang Lab welcomes inquiries to join and visit. The PI is always glad to hear from prospective team members and develop mutually interested projects. People motivated to use fungi to understand evolutionary genomic and symbiotic questions are especially encouraged to contact.
Postdoctoral fellows
Interested applicants should inquire via email for potential research projects. Please include a CV and a statement of your research interests. Multiple funding opportunities and fellowships are available through NSERC, SGS, CSC, Data Science, CERA, Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships, UTSC Postdoctoral Fellowship, UofT Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellowship (for underrepresented groups), etc.
Graduate students
I accept graduate students through the following graduate programs at the University of Toronto: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology program, Environmental Science program, and Cell and Systems Biology program. Please send your unofficial academic transcripts, a brief statement of research interests, and your curriculum vitae to yanxw.wang@utoronto.ca. The starting date for domestic students is flexible and can be Spring, Summer, or Fall semester of each year. International students should expect to start in Fall semester.
Undergraduate students
We are always looking for highly motivated undergraduate students to join our research group, either as volunteers or through courses (BIOB98/99, BIOD95, BIOD98/99, etc.). If you would like to gain research experience in Ecology, Evolution, Genomics, Mycology, or Symbiosis, please contact the PI via email with your unofficial transcripts, a curriculum vitae, and a statement of research interests. A brief interview will be set up to discuss availability and potential projects in the lab.
Potential Research Projects @ WangLab
(Click for more details; A valid UofT email address is required for access)
Lab Meeting Schedule
(Current lab members should have access; if not, please email me)
Lab Documents
(LabManual, IDP, SOPs, etc.; current lab members should have access; if not, please email me)
Email: yanxw.wang@utoronto.ca
Tel: +1 416-208-2739
Lab: SW553
at Scarborough Campus