Principle Investigator
Yan Wang, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Evolutionary Genomics
Primary affiliation: Biological Sciences
Graduate affiliation: Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
University of Toronto
Office: SW542 at Scarborough Campus
ORCID Profile:0000-0002-5950-8904
Graduate students

Shalini Chaudhary is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB). She completed her Honours B.Sc. (Co-op) in Biochemistry with specialization in Bioinformatics at University of Waterloo. Shal's thesis work focuses on phylogeny, comparative transcriptomics, and ecology of insect-associated fungi (Harpellales). When she's not in the lab, Shal enjoys camping and playing board games.

Huimei Yang is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB). She completed her Honours B.Sc. in Integrative Biology at the University of Toronto (UTSC) and M.Sc. in Bioinformatics at the Chinese University of Hong Kong prior joining the WangLab. Huimei's thesis is about the genome evolution and gene expression profiles of Harpellales fungi using long-read sequencing data.
Undergraduate researchers

Yibing Wu is a BIOB98 student (2021 Summer) and lab assistant (2021 Fall) working on proteomics and selenoprotein identification in uncommon strains of Harpellales fungi.

Nicole Howes is a visiting undergraduate student from the University of Waterloo. Nicole is majoring in Biochemistry with a specialization in Biotechnology. Nicole is working on a project involving mosquito-fungus interactions, and in her free time she enjoys hiking, running and swimming.
Huai Shiou Shih, 2021 Summer BIOD95 student
Nishang Lin, 2020-2021 BIOD98 student
Aliza Khaitin, 2020 Fall BIOB98 student
Asad Hassan, 2020 Summer BIOD95 student
Nazia Nusrat, 2020 Summer BIOD95 student