Producing Paper Today
Paper is made from pulp. However, this pulp can be
made in a couple of different ways.
Click an option below to find out more...
Making Pulp from Wood
Making Pulp from Waste
Manufacturing Paper from Pulp
Over 80 million tons of world wide paper is
produced in the United States each year, making it the highest paper
manufacturer in the world.

For more statistical Information regarding the production of paper world wide
and it's different products click here.
More than
5,000 products are made from paper and papermaking by-products. In the U.S., most
paper is made from trees, and because wood is a renewable resource which is
wisely managed by
timber companies, we will always have plenty of trees - and paper - for future
generations to enjoy. Paper products are categorized into five main categories:
Newsprint and magazine papers
Printing and writing papers
Sanitary and household
Paper-based packaging materials and
Other - Specialized paper
The following
document shows just a few of the many important products made from paper, and
the wood chemicals derived from the papermaking process:
Click here