Dream Vacations



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[Road Trips Main] [California] [Western U.S.] [Vancouver & Canadian Rockies] [Mexico] [March Break 2005] [Europe] [Dream Vacations]

On the way back from Algonquin, Zee, Brian, Nancy and I got talking about our dream vacations if we have unlimited budget (I wish) and no time constraints.


Here are mine in no particular order:

Alaskan Cruise in the Summer... when I'm old and grey.


The Greek Islands

  • Especially Santorini

  • The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of sailing around the Cyclades with Gap Adventures.

Grand Canyon

  • Hike down the south rim and come up from the north rim...  On second thought, maybe I should rely on the mules.


Guadalajara and Morelia, Mexico

  • Procrastinated too long and didn't go during the summer of 2004


Backpack Thru Australia

Great Smokey Mountains

Machu Picchu

  • Inca Ruins in Peru




Christmas 2005:

I should probably stay put...


Summer 2006:

Sail around the Greek Islands with Gap Adventures + go to Tuscany and Umbria.  There are so many spots in Italy that I haven't really explored...  But I also want to go to Peru for an elective.  Why do I only have 12 weeks off?


Sept, 2006 ~ Aug. 2007:

Clerkship...  no time off.


Sept. 2007 ~ Dec. 2007:

Electives in Canada + abroad.  It'd be great if I can somehow end up in Austria and Germany around Christmas.


May 2008 ~ June 2008:

Last chance to travel before residency starts...  Maybe Spain.

This page was last updated on 09/03/05.