Week |
Date |
Topic |
Reading |
Assignment |
1 |
Jan. 10 |
What are heritage languages?
How do we read, discuss & write to learn?
Read syllabus and Quercus
Eschholz, Rosa & Clark 05 (on reading) |
HW 1: Your own heritage language (HL) experiences
(due Jan. 17, solo) |
2 |
Jan. 17 |
How do we do library research at U of T?
Guest speaker: Fabiano Takashi Rocha |
Eschholz, Rosa & Clark 05: 662-673 (on citing sources)
APA site & tutorial |
Jan. 22 |
Last day to add a class |
3 |
Jan. 24 |
What are your HL experiences?
How does fieldwork work? |
HW 2: Library resources webpage (due Jan. 31, solo) |
4 |
Jan. 31 |
What can happen to HLs? |
Polinsky & Kagan 07 (pp. 368-84) |
5 |
Feb. 7 |
What are some connections between ethnicity and language? |
Read 1 carefully to present; skim the rest:
- Cunha 05
- Marquez 99
- Oh & Fuligni 09 (to p. 208, at least)
- Tan 05
HW 3: A little fieldwork
(due Feb. 14, group) |
6 |
Feb. 14 |
What about attitudes?
Guardado 02
Sevinç 17
Feb. 20-24 | Reading Week -- NO CLASSES |
7 |
Feb. 28 |
How do we analyze linguistic structure connected to social groups? |
Your choice of 1 of 5 to present in class:
- Łyskawa et al. 16
- Iannozzi 15
- Pabst et al. 17
- Shkvorets 15
- Tse 16
HW 4: Exploring attitudes or Neighbourhood visit 1 (draft due Mar. 7, group) |
8 |
Mar. 7 |
How do we write about research?
Guest speaker: Justin Leung
revisit the papers from last week |
9 |
Mar. 14 |
What happens with heritage languages at home? |
Chumak-Horbatch 87 |
HW 5: Linguistic structures or Neighbourhood visit 2
(draft due Mar. 21, group) |
Mar. 19 | Last day to drop a S course. |
10 |
Mar. 21 |
What happens with heritage languages in school? |
Goldstein 97
Polinsky & Kagan 07:384-390 |
11 |
Mar. 28 |
How are politics and globalization relevant to HLs? |
Crystal 05
Ricento 2013:525-537
HW 6: Formal report (from drafts of HWs 3-6) (due Apr. 4, solo) |
12 |
Apr. 4 |
Wrap-up and catch-up |
Feb. 8, 2023