Durand Information (or "The Durandus Dungeon!!!")

Durus Durandus jacet hic sub marmore duro,
An sit salvandus, ego nescio, nec quoque curo.

My research over the last few years has focused on Durand (Latin: Durandus de Sancto Porciano), a.k.a. the Doctor Modernus, a.a.k.a. the Doctor Resolutissimus, and in the process I've collected a number of resources on him and his foes, e.g., Hervaeus Natalis, Nicholas Medensis (a.k.a. Durandellus or "little Durand"), Peter of Palude, Godfrey of Fontaines, Henry of Ghent, John Duns Scotus, Thomas Aquinas, Peter Auriol, John Capreolus, etc. I hope to make more resources available, but below is a start.

[ Texts | Bibliography ]



  • The Durandus Projekt Bibliography [External URL]

  • Bibliography.bib [108k 2010-06-01 11:08]

    A working bibtex bibliography file. You can get the latest via GITTT:
    $ git clone git://buridanica.org/durand.git

  • Index.tex [740k 2010-06-01 11:11]

    A working index of the authors and key terms. Use this bash script (index-grep.sh) to search it. Tip: $ index-grep.sh ref, | grep -i arist to list off all the references to Aristotle. The latest is also in git://buridanica.org/durand.git.

peter period hartman @utoronto.ca