


Business etiquette can be defined simply as behaviors that are courteous and considerate of the people you interact with. At our events, as a courtesy to our guests and your fellow students, you will be expected to set all electronic devices to silent mode or have them turned off before entering the seminar/ presentation room. Please plan to arrive early (seating is often limited) and refrain from leaving during a speaker's presentation. It is a distraction to the audience and is discourteous to our guests.

Read below to learn about the basic standards of Business Dress.


Business Casual for Men does not mean that suits are completely out of the question--it's how you wear the suit.  A suit of solid colour is less formal than a pin-striped suit.  Some examples of business casual attire include a pair of ironed dress pants with a dress shirt (long or short-sleeved) or a collared polo shirt.  Ties and jackets are optional.


Business casual for Women usually consists of a nice pair of ironed dress pants or trousers, teamed up cardigan set, a button-up blouse or a simple sweater (not those heavy knit ones!).


When in doubt, never wear anything you would wear to a club or the beach! Anything that is too casual or too revealing is not a good idea in a professional environment.  However, conservative does not mean boring or without style. 

To check if your outfit is suitable for work, try imagining if it is something an executive would wear.  Dressing properly can really make a difference, conveying confidence, attention-to-detail and professionalism to your work.  For men or women who have goals and want to further his/her career, it is important that he/she doesn't get sloppy when it comes to appropriate office attire.



Business formal for men consists of a two piece business suit, white, long sleeve button-down dress shirt and tie.

Business formal for women consists of skirted suits, hosiery and closed toes dress shoes.

Finally, do a final check on your attire in the rest room just before your interview to make sure: your tie is straight, your hair is combed, teeth are well-brushed, fresh breath, no gum, candy, cigarettes or other objects in your mouth, cleaned and trimmed fingernails, and empty pockets: no bulges or tinkling coins.




Copyright 2005-2006. Accounting Society, University of Toronto.

Designed by Calvin Wat.