Sunday, August 20, 2006

C++ Language --- I need to learn more on that

I am re-writing my simulation code recently, for the research I worked on last year. The code is written in C++ and I am trying to apply what I learn in the company and Design Patterns to make it more efficient, maintainable and secure.

During this process, I further discovered many interesting aspects of C++. For example, to prevent memory leak due to the use of pointers, C++ provide auto_ptr, which is a simple kind of smart pointers. It could be very useful and I will read further into this.

In addition, I found various good reference websites for C++, they are:

Guru of the Week:
Dr. Dobb's Portal:
C++ Guides @ InfomIT:
Boost C++ Libraries:

Though I am more interested in academia and won't pursue a career as a software developer, it is important to write good programs, as it is an important tool for research. When I was re-writing my program, I discovered that something I was proud of last year actually is crappy somewhere and had quite a few defects. I wish I could have less this kind of feelings next year when I looked back to the code I wrote.

p.s. Today I talked to Cathy's friend Xiaoxiao, who is studying law at Stanford. And recently I have also been monitoring the Quantitative Finanaical Board on and get to know the life about a Quant. I may make a partial and bias summary about these two fields later, as these are also possible careers for engineering students.


Littlemoon said...

well, i guess without the feeling of improving your code, you are either really good, or you haven't advanced/improved in that field; always good and bad..

so, if you do get that feeling, feel happy for your new knowledge

11:17 PM, August 21, 2006  
Song Wei said...

Well, seems that I need to learn much more on that...

1:20 PM, August 23, 2006  

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