Friday, September 08, 2006

Weekly updates

I have been quite busy recently, and will be busy in the future, due to a lot of things.

  1. Work: I have transferred group at work and there are always a lot to do, with tight schedule. This week I finished a simple driver for FAT16 file system. Sounds cool, huh?
  2. Study: One of my co-workers did his PEY at Actel and was hired by my company after he graduated from U of Toronto. He told me that he felt he was so stupid after he finished his PEY year. He need to re-learn a lot of things after he came back to his fourth year study. Obvious, I don't want to fall in that category, so I am trying my best to read some books after work. My current focus is Discrete Stochastic Process by Gallager. It is very classic and not easy. I would be very happy if I can finish it before Christmas.
  3. Research: yes, last summer I did some work with Prof. Liang, and there is sitll some left-over. I am trying to finish the rest to have the work done.
  4. School: this September is the first September that I am not in a Full-Time student after I began my education. However, I will maintain a part-time student status and continue to take some courses at U of T for my interest. I am very grateful that my boss allows me to take a day course in mathematics.
  5. Misc: a lot of sutff, such as preparing textbooks, helping my parents, etc.
  6. Driving Lessons: I am attending driving school and am doing practice from time to time.
It is good that I took a break during the Labor Day long weekend and had a trip to Point Pelee with Cathy. I like the peaceful life of small towns and it is always relaxing to touch the nature rather than the cement jungle in the city.

That's it for the past few weeks. I hope I will be able to update this blog consistently.


Littlemoon said...

#1: Do you enjoy your new group? Seems like you are busier in the new group, but maybe it is more challenging.

#2: Don't worry so much. I have faith in you. I agree with the part that we do tend to forget things learnt before. But maybe it isn't a bad thing, as learning a 2nd time, sometimes helps with even better understanding. As long as you do take a bit time to refresh your mind before school starts next fall.

#3: At least you have a line where the work will end. Research never ends, just have to pick a line. But Ben is so nice to you. I haven't met such a nice prof yet.

#4: Me too. Part-time student. Feel so weird. But I hope this year can bring me different experiences, and I can use the time to do something.

#5: Just so many unexpected things come up in life. I have a packed a full schedule until Nov. 4. Have to multi-task. I feel ready for the challenge, after a short rest.

#6: Don't know if you'll love driving. Hope you do. Don't worry. It comes with time.

1:53 AM, September 09, 2006  

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