Saturday, July 28, 2007

Tentatively, I am done with GRE

Yes, I am tentatively done, and will be finally done with it if my AW score turns out to be OK.

I went to the test center at 1, and after certain registration stuff, I left all my belongs to a locker , went into the test room and started the exam.

At the beginning, there was a whole bunch of crap such as how to use the mouse, keyboard, etc. Then the test program started to gather certain information about the examinee. Interestingly, when asked to input my school name, the University of Toronto did not appear in the Canadian school list, while others like Waterloo, McGill or even Lakehead, Laval were all there. So I skipped that page.

Soon writing started and the issue topics contained one that I had practiced before, so I chose that one. The argument was something full of holes and very easy to attack. Hopefully I have done well in the AW part.

Then the Verbal part started. It seemed the so called GRE Blue Bible (寄托蓝宝书) has a pretty good coverage on the words for the Computer-Based Test, at least after working on the book, I knew most of the words in today's exam and made some educated guesses for the rest. The reading was kind of tough, but manageable. I ended up finishing the section 3 minutes earlier.

After that was the Quantitative part, which mainly consisted high school level math questions. I was quite careful when answering those questions as generally Chinese people get full marks in this section and there is no way to recheck answers after you submitted them.

When everything was done, there is an voluntary test section and not interested in writing one more issue, I skipped that after taking a glance at the topic.

Soon the final score came out after I confirmed that I wanted to report my scores. The score for the Quantitative part was 800, and the score for the Verbal part was 190 marks above my general expectation of 600. The result was definitely satisfactory and I have to admit that I am pretty lucky today.

Feeling relieved, I walked back home. It is good that I am done with GRE for now and can focus on something more important and fun -- summer research. Hopefully my next blog post can bring some more exciting news.

Life is an opportunity to do something.

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东方复冉 said...

8:0,I knew it. :D

2:26 AM, July 29, 2007  

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