• Project Title: Photovoltaic solar cell simulation

  • Project Leader: Zahidur R Chowdhury

  • Supervisor: Prof. Nazir P. Kherani

  • Other Member(s): Al Chutinan, Honggang Lu, and Adel B. Gougam, Anton H. Fischer and Stefan Zukotynski

  • My role: Design of experiment, plan and execute the simulation, trouble-shooting, incorporate team-member's feedback and report writing.

  • Tools used: Sentaurus from Synopsys / MATLAB / LATEX / Microsoft Office / Origin

  • Summary

  • Two dimensional modeling study of theBACH cell,LIT cell and Laser Fired Emitter (LFE) concept were carried out using Sentaurus. A parametric study of these cell concepts has been reported after having the benchmarked the simulation process. Solar cell efficiencies exceeding 20% were obtained for AM 1.5 global spectrum for practical cell processing parameters. An optical model accurately addressing the photo generation in thick and thin absorbers were also introduced.
  • BACH cell images
  • Figure: (left) electron distribution of the BACH PV devices (right) effect of cell design parameters on the LIT cell performance.
  • Publication(s)

    1. Zahidur R. Chowdhury, S. Zukotynski and Nazir P. Kherani, “Modeling of thin back amorphous-crystalline silicon heterojuction (BACH) PV”, presented in European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 2011. view / link

    2. A. H. Fischer, M. P. Maier, Zahidur R. Chowdhury, G. Hahn, Nazir P. Kherani, Stefan Zukotynski, “Laser fired emitter on n-type silicon using amorphous silicon passivation“, presented in European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Valencia, Spain, 2011. view / link

    3. Zahidur R. Chowdhury, A. Chutinan, Adel B. Gougam, Nazir P. Kherani and Stefan Zukotynski, “Two-dimensional modeling of the back amorphous-crystalline silicon heterojunction (BACH) photovoltaic device”, presented in Photonics North, published in the Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 7750, article no. 77502V, Niagara Falls, Canada, 2010. view / link

    4. Zahidur R. Chowdhury, H. Liu, Nazir P. Kherani, and Stefan Zukotynski, “Back Amorphous-Crystalline Silicon Heterojunction (BACH) solar cell modelling study“, presented in Solar Building Research Network, Toronto, Canada, 2009. view / link