PhD in Comparative Literature, Centre for Comparative Literature,
University of Toronto, 1996

MA in Comparative Literature, Centre for Comparative Literature,
University of Toronto, 1994


Senior Lecturer and FSL Course Coordinator,
Department of French, University of Toronto, 2011-present

Lecturer and FSL Course Coordinator,
Department of French, University of Toronto, 2002-2011

Instructor, Department of French, University of Toronto, 1996 – 2002

Instructional Leader, Additional Qualifications FSL Courses for Teachers,
Faculty of Education, York University, 1994 – 1996


“Developing Linguistic Proficiency, Cultural Competence and Peer Interaction through Blended Teaching and Multimodal Learning Experiences in French”, Fund for Online Innovations in Learning, University of Toronto, December 2012 $35,450

“Experiential Learning in French for Arts and Science Undergraduate Students”, in collaboration with Dr. D. Issa-Sayegh, Curriculum Renewal Initiative Fund, University of Toronto, April 2010 $15,000

Dean’s Small Group Award, Arts and Science, University of Toronto, 2009


Pedagogical Research

Achievement and motivation through blended teaching and multimodal learning in French

Curriculum and instruction: cognitive development, reading, writing and cultural immersion

Assessment and evaluation in second language teaching(FSL and ESL): diversity issues, access and equity

Other Research Interests

French Cultural Studies
Literary Theory: narratology and reader-response criticism
Twentieth Century Novel
Canadian Novel


FSL 421French Language IV
JFI 225Y Second Language Teaching and Learning
FCS 292H Love, Sex and Desire in French Literature and Cinema


JEF 100Y The Western Tradition
FRE 367H Studies in the 20th Century French Novel I
FRE 368H1F Studies in the 20th Century French Novel II
FSL 431Y Practical French II
FSL 461Y Practical French IV
FSL 181Y1Y Language Practice I
FSL 366H1F Business French


FSL 321, FSL 421 Course Coordinator
FSL 331, FSL 431, FSL 461 Course Coordinator
Coordinator, Experiential Learning Program
Coordinator, Pedagogical Training Program for New Teaching Assistants
Coordinator, Pedagogical Training Program for Lecturers from France
Coordinator, Student Internship Program
Coordinator, Liaison and Internship Activities
Study Abroad Coordinator


“Developing Second Language Proficiency Through Communicative Teaching, E-Learning and Experiential Programs”, Journal of Teaching and Education, December 2012, 1(6): 371-378

“A Thematic Approach to French Cultural Studies”, Universal Publishers, 2012, 106 pages

“Méthodes et pratiques pour une évaluation efficace de la communication orale”, Le français dans le monde, Revue de la Fédération internationale des professeurs de français, 2012, 12 pages

“Contextualized Foreign Language Instruction: Effective Classroom Strategies and Blackboard-Based Virtual Learning”, International Journal for Academic Disciplines, October 2010, 11 pages

“Reading Nara’s Diary or the Deluding Strategies of the Implied Author in The Rift by V.Y. Mudimbe”, Cambridge Scholars, February, 2010, 16 pages

“Ovid and Calvino”, Genre 25, Interdisciplinary Journal of Literature and the Arts, Long Beach, California, 2006, 22 pages

“Parody in the Postmodernist Novel: If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler…,” Modern Languages Studies 27.3/4 (Fall 1997): 159-173

“Ana Balakian. The Snowflake on the Belfry : Dogma and Disquietude in the Critical arena.” in Literary research No. 25: Spring-Summer, 1996: 19-21

Encyclopedia Chapters

“Marguerite Duras, ‘The Lover’, The Literary Encyclopedia, 2011, 7 pages

“Assia Djebar, Biography”, The Literary Encyclopedia, 2009, 3 pages

“Les enfants du nouveau monde, Assia Djebar”, The Literary Encyclopedia,
2009, 8 pages

Pedagogical textbooks/Study guides

“Textes et débats”, Blackboard e-book, revised edition, 126 pages

“Apprentissage expérientiel”, (custom publication), Canadian Scholars’ Press, September, 2010, 110 pages

“Guide pédagogique”, Blackboard e-book, September 2010, 142 pages

“Practical French II”, revised edition (custom publication), McGraw Hill, 240 pages, 2009

“Love, Sex and Desire in French Literature and Cinema”, revised edition (custom publication), Canadian Scholars’ Press, 2009, 180 pages

“Practical French III”, revised edition (custom publication), Canadian Scholars’ Press, 2009, 270 pages

“Faire ses classes. Guide pratique de l’auxiliaire de l’enseignement” in collaboration with Anne-Marie Brousseau, Danièle Issa-Sayegh, Département d’études françaises, University of Toronto, 2006, pages 26-31

“Teaching, Learning, Issues and Practice in French as a Second Language: Action Research and The York/Cooperative Model” (custom publication) York University, 1998, 106 pages


“Shared Strategies for Active Learning: FSL Enrichment Activities at the Post-secondary Level”, Canadian Parents for French Ontario, Issue No. 103, Fall 2009

“La recherche action dans la classe de Français langue seconde” in Federation of Women Teachers of Ontario Newsletter, Voice, Fall 2000 (curriculum insert)


International Journal of Arts and Sciences Annual Conference: “Focus on Student Performance: Effective Testing Practices in French as a Second Language Intermediate and Advanced Programs”, American University, Rome, Italy, October 29-November 1, 2012

Second IJAS Conference: “Making Connections: Instructional Models for Developing Foreign Language Proficiency in Higher Education through Communicative Teaching, E-learning and Experiential Programs”, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University, May 30th-June 2nd, 2011

Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters Annual Conference (French Literature): “L’alternance des registres chez De Laclos”, Saginaw Valley State University, March 11, 2011

Faculty of Arts and Science, University of Toronto Study Languages Conference 2010: “Mysticism and Sensuality in Zola’s Nana”, University of Toronto, December 9, 2010
International Journal for Academic Disciplines Conference: “A Thematic Approach to French Cultural Studies”, Bad Hofgastein, Austria, May 31, 2010

Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters Annual Conference (French Literature): “La rhétorique du désir dans L’Amant de Marguerite Duras”, Calvin College, March 26, 2010

Faculty of Arts and Science, University of Toronto Gifted Conference: “New Novel Techniques and Murder Mystery Conventions in Alain Robbe-Grillet's Le Voyeur”, University of Toronto, February 18, 2010

National Conference for Academic Disciplines: “Curriculum Renewal Initiatives: Language Communities and Experiential Learning in Second Language Education”, Suffolk University, Boston, June 22-25, 2009

Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters Annual Conference (French Literature): “Dialogisme et créativité dans le roman Les enfants du nouveau monde d’Assia Djebar ”, Wayne State University, March 20, 2009

Faculty of Arts and Science, University of Toronto Gifted Conference “Virtue, Tragic Passion and Upper-class Excess in De Laclos’s Dangerous Liaisons”, University of Toronto, February 19, 2009

U of T Conference ‘Teaching and Learning Outside the Classroom’: “Developing Skills for a Global Society: Acquiring Foreign Language Proficiency through Internships and Study/Work Abroad Programs”, Hart House, University of Toronto, October 3, 2008

International Symposium, “Connecting to Electronic Pedagogy: A Cultural Model for Teaching Great Books”, Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique Charles Perrault, Fédération Internationale des Langues et Littératures, Lyon, France, July 9-11, 2008

International Conference “Generic Instability and Identity in the Contemporary Novel”: “Reading Nara’s Diary or the Deluding Strategies of the Implied Author in The Rift by V.Y. Mudimbe”, Université d’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse, France, 29-30th May, 2008


Participant, Discussion Group, Summer Abroad Program, FSL Student Exchange in France, Professional & International Programs, Woodsworth College, University of Toronto, January 30, 2013

Participant, Discussion Group, FSL Student Exchange in France, Centre for International Experience, University of Toronto, January 23, 2013

Coordinator, Blackboard-based Learning Community for Undergraduate Students, “Apprentissage expérientiel”, Department of French, 2009-2013

Coordinator, Blackboard-based Learning Community for Teaching Assistants, “Espace pédagogique”, Department of French, 2009-2013

Participant, Discussion groups, Campus France, French Consulate, 2009-2013

International Exchange Pedagogical Visit, Institut International d’Études Francaises (IIEF), Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France, December 4-6, 2012

Invited Participant, French Mobility Programs, French Consulate, 2009-2012

Contribution to The Consortium for Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum, CALC Research Project directed by Diana K. Davies, Acting Chair of the CLAC Consortium/Vice Provost for International Initiatives, 2012

Invited Participant, Discussion group with the Chief Auditor on Teaching Effectiveness at the University of Toronto, organized by the office of Vice-Provost, Faculty and Academic Life, 2012

Member, Hiring Committee for Lecturer positions, summer 2011

Research Collaborator, Charles, Merlin (Ph.D thesis) OISE/UofT, The Heart and Soul of Language: Making (Inter)connections between Second Language learning and Holistic Education in the Post-Secondary Context. Committee: Antoinette Gagné (supervisor), Katherine Rehner, Enrica Piccardo, Jack Miller, 2011


Member, Executive Committee, Department of French

Member, Curriculum Committee, Department of French

Reviewer, Ollivier, “Grammaire française”, Nelson Higher Education

Coordinator, Pedagogical Research Project “Action research for Professional Development of New Teaching Assistants in French Studies”, University of Toronto, Department of French

Participant, Discussion group with York University, Glendon College, Toronto Universities’ French Contest

Coordinator of “Café-rencontre”, a series of pedagogical workshops for secondary teachers, Department of French

Invited Panel Discussion Speaker, Academic Careers for Women Session, Koeffler Institute, University of Toronto

Participant, Discussion groups and meetings, Towards 2030: Planning for a Third Century of Excellence at the University of Toronto

Conference Organizer, Teaching Assistants’ Annual Conference, Department of French

Invited Guest, OISE/UofT, French Proficiency Development Meeting

Invited Guest, OISE/UofT, Language Portfolio

Invited Guest, Swiss Mobility Programs, Swiss Consulate

Participant, Discussion groups, Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique, Lyon, France

Participant, Discussion group, EUCOR, University of Freiburg, Germany

Participant, Discussion groups organized by the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages (“Deux langues, tout un monde de possibilités”)

Member, Organizing Committee, Language Conference, Faculty of Arts and Science

Collaborator, VIC Concurrent Teacher Education Program directed by Dr. Sheila Cook , Victoria University

Collaborator, Tutoring Program, New College

Member, Education Minister’s Principal Reference Group