Participant, Discussion Group, Summer Abroad Program, FSL Student Exchange in France, Professional & International Programs, Woodsworth College, University of Toronto, January 30, 2013

Participant, Discussion Group, FSL Student Exchange in France, Centre for International Experience, University of Toronto, January 23, 2013

Coordinator, Blackboard-based Learning Community for Undergraduate Students, “Apprentissage expérientiel”, Department of French, 2009-2013

Coordinator, Blackboard-based Learning Community for Teaching Assistants, “Espace pédagogique”, Department of French, 2009-2013

Participant, Discussion groups, Campus France, French Consulate, 2009-2013

International Exchange Pedagogical Visit, Institut International d’Études Françaises (IIEF), Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France, December 4-6, 2012

Invited Participant, French Mobility Programs, French Consulate, 2009-2012

Contribution to The Consortium for Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum, CALC Research Project directed by Diana K. Davies, Acting Chair of the CLAC Consortium/Vice Provost for International Initiatives, 2012

Invited Participant, Discussion group with the Chief Auditor on Teaching Effectiveness at the University of Toronto, organized by the office of Vice-Provost, Faculty and Academic Life, 2012

Member, Hiring Committee for Lecturer positions, summer 2011

Research Collaborator, Charles, Merlin (Ph.D thesis) OISE/UofT, The Heart and Soul of Language: Making (Inter)connections between Second Language learning and Holistic Education in the Post-Secondary Context. Committee: Antoinette Gagné (supervisor), Katherine Rehner, Enrica Piccardo, Jack Miller, 2011


Member, Executive Committee, Department of French

Member, Curriculum Committee, Department of French

Reviewer, Ollivier, “Grammaire française”, Nelson Higher Education

Coordinator, Pedagogical Research Project “Action research for Professional Development of New Teaching Assistants in French Studies”, University of Toronto, Department of French

Participant, Discussion group with York University, Glendon College, Toronto Universities’ French Contest

Coordinator of “Café-rencontre”, a series of pedagogical workshops for secondary teachers, Department of French

Invited Panel Discussion Speaker, Academic Careers for Women Session, Koeffler Institute, University of Toronto

Participant, Discussion groups and meetings, Towards 2030: Planning for a Third Century of Excellence at the University of Toronto

Conference Organizer, Teaching Assistants’ Annual Conference, Department of French

Invited Guest, OISE/UofT, French Proficiency Development Meeting

Invited Guest, OISE/UofT, Language Portfolio

Invited Guest, Swiss Mobility Programs, Swiss Consulate

Participant, Discussion groups, Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique, Lyon, France

Participant, Discussion group, EUCOR, University of Freiburg, Germany

Participant, Discussion groups organized by the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages (“Deux langues, tout un monde de possibilités”)

Member, Organizing Committee, Language Conference, Faculty of Arts and Science

Collaborator, VIC Concurrent Teacher Education Program directed by Dr. Sheila Cook , Victoria University

Collaborator, Tutoring Program, New College

Member, Education Minister’s Principal Reference Group